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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

The YouTube Video above is my friend Adam Kontras.
I am "MikeLane" on AIM or AOL if you want to chat.
By day, I am a commercial real estate broker in Ohio. I just started a new company called Magnum Real Estate Advisors, LLC. By night, an emerging internet entrepreneur.
"I am Ohio's SPECIALIST in unique, unusual, and hard-to-sell properties" (which means I can sell the easy ones also).
In addition to you can also read about my real estate services at (currently though, it is under construction)
In fact, is sort of under construction also, but it IS working so check it out. Some of the components of it are available even though you do not see them there yet. Until the site is complete, you can go to some of the individual sites directly:
For Travel Services go to (temporarily unavailable) (be sure to sign up to receive email notifications of STEALS and DEALS on travel)
For Golf trips, fantasy rounds, etc, go to (link is temporarily unavailable)
To learn about the GREATEST new diet plan, go to (TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS AND HAVE FUN WITH THIS ONE) The Cinch plan is part of the Skaklee program, so to see more Shaklee products, go to: (I can't believe I forgot about getting a catchy domain name to point to that site!)
To purchase domain names for YOUR websites, for webhosting, etc go to or for domain names and site support for your family or class reunions, wedding photos, clubs, churches, and other organizations go to (Everyone should own their own name as a domain name, and everyone with kids should buy the names for their kids as well. Addresses for every listing if you are a real estate agent or own rental property. Own your own domain name to have your resume posted on... IF YOU GET ME STARTED, I CAN FILL THIS SITE WITH REASONS AND OCCASIONS FOR YOU TO BUY DOMAIN NAMES...just do it at my site)
If you are interested in your own Travel Business like mine, then go to
and, last but not least, if you are interested in selling YOUR products online or making money from others that do, then go to and click on the STORE FRONT PRESENTATION and also the ASSOCIATE PRESENTATION to learn all about it. Right now there are only a few companies on here, so jump on and ride the wave! This is about to explode! (this is NOT like other affiliate programs you know of on the internet where people are trading is MUCH different!)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Most of the people I would like to meet are dead! So, I guess I will meet them in Heaven when I get there.... there are people here on Earth that I would like to meet as well, but it is a long list.

My Blog

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