Lindsay profile picture



About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

my name is lindsay payne and i am 20 years old..i have brown hair, hazel eyes, and im about 5 foot tall...i was born with a physical disability called spina would never kno just by looking at me...i have to wear leg braces but i dont let that get me down..i believe that i am just as normal as the next person and i believe i deserved to be treated that way...right now im a student at ivy tech in madison where im studying to get my associates degree in office family and friends mean the world to me and nothing is goin to change a very easy-going person and i like to have fun... if u would like to kno anything more just ask...

My Interests

music, friends, shopping, movies, camping, bowling,

I'd like to meet:

i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to meet Rascal Flatts because they r the best band in the world!!! or anyone that is HOTT and FAMOUS! lol


i listen to just about anything but i listen to alot of country right now


Radio(best movie ever!!), coach carter, any kind of a comedy....


i dont really watch that much tv but when i do its a bunch of old Friends...That 70's Show,


my favorite book series is Chicken Soup for the Soul...


my mom and my sisters...i dont kno wat i would do without my family..they r always there for me through everything and i love them..and my friends at camp riley(u kno who u r lol)-you guys r the best!! u showed me that its ok to be urself and it dont matter wat other people think just as long as u love urself and it dont matter wat u look like on the outside..its wats on the inside that counts..