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About Me

Hi, I'm Kyle.
I am a film buff.
I love literature and have a collection to prove it.
I have my own taste in music, so I don't really care as to whether you like it or not.
"Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Chops"
because that was the name of his dog
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and a gold star
And his mother hung it on the kitchen door
and read it to his aunts
That was the year Father Tracy
took all the kids to the zoo
And he let them sing on the bus
And his little sister was born
with tiny toenails and no hair
And his mother and father kissed a lot
And the girl around the corner sent him a
Valentine signed with a row of X's
and he had to ask his father what the X's meant
And his father always tucked him in bed at night
And was always there to do it.
Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Autumn"
because that was the name of the season
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and asked him to write more clearly
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because of its new paint
And the kids told him
that Father Tracy smoked cigars
And left butts on the pews
And sometimes they would burn holes
That was the year his sister got glasses
with thick lenses and black frames
And the girl around the corner laughed
when he asked her to go see Santa Claus
And the kids told him why
his mother and father kissed a lot
And his father never tucked him in bed at night
And his father got mad
when he cried for him to do it.
Once on a paper torn from his notebook
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
because that was the question about his girl
And that's what it was all about
And his professor gave him an A
and a strange steady look
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because he never showed her
That was the year that Father Tracy died
And he forgot how the end
of the Apostle's Creed went
And he caught his sister
making out on the back porch
And his mother and father never kissed
or even talked
And the girl around the corner
wore too much makeup
That made him cough when he kissed her
but he kissed her anyway
because that was the thing to do
And at three A.M. he tucked himself into bed
his father snoring soundly
That's why on the back of a brown paper bag
he tried another poem
And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"
Because that's what it was really all about
And he gave himself an A
and a slash on each damned wrist
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because this time he didn't think
he could reach the kitchen."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts

My Blog

We fall into the future & through the looking glass;

Your voice is so tantalizingly sweet that it makes me sick. Not with disgust, or loathing, but desire. Because you set my world on fire, and light up my darkest dreams. But I'm not invincible, and you...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 21:40:00 GMT

There's a story playing out in my head

It's kinda sad,   and pretty fucking crazy.But, then again,so's life.Welcome to the real world.
Posted by on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 21:17:00 GMT

Poem for you, sir?

Your fingers move across the strings,Your hand moves the bow to play,To chords of silent sorrow,The song of sweet remedy.These rhythms play across your mind,Dancing with the beat of your heart,And bre...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:10:00 GMT

alright heres a tip.

if your pissed off about something i really dont give a damn. specially if its about me. cuz knowing many of my friends its some stupid emo crap that i do WITH them all the time. so just go jump off...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 22:40:00 GMT


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:kyle joseph brianBirthday:november 27, 1990Birthplace:baton rougeCurrent Location:red roomEye Color:demonic blackHair Color:brownHeight:6'3Right Handed or Left ...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 23:58:00 GMT

AIM convo... not for the virgin eyes...

dsjhtower (12:01:33 AM): yikes! its skank mcskankYIKES itsSarahX3 (12:01:44 AM): hell yes.dsjhtower (12:01:54 AM): loldsjhtower (12:02:10 AM): you do realize, that i will now post any aim conversation...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 22:57:00 GMT

i dont want to wake up from this dream

First blog in awhile I know, but things have been going great lately. Minus drivers ed, well, part of it at least. But I've learned when I'm always at a highpoint in my life something always comes a...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 17:24:00 GMT


I want to tell you a story About a prince who lived in glory. Born to be the king of his kind   But never allowed to speak his mind. Raised to be a noble man But never given a helping ...
Posted by on Sat, 20 May 2006 14:05:00 GMT

As I Wait

As I wait for it all to end I begin to think of when Things were good and everything was right Now all I do is wait for the light. As I wait for the light I start think I begin to think of how things...
Posted by on Wed, 17 May 2006 18:38:00 GMT

can you hear my voice through the tears?

What is love without hate, and what is hate without love? My answer... nothing. Today, I wrote another "love" poem. Then, I asked myself, how can I write a love peom when I'm not in love? At least,...
Posted by on Tue, 09 May 2006 13:38:00 GMT