S'cott profile picture


Forward into the future!

About Me

I suspect that if I weren't insane, life would be completely boring.

At least global warming will keep the heating bills down. Did you remember to make ice?

Working Hard To Keep The U.S. on Anti-Depressants

Please check out my MySpace artist page to hear my original music.

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM .

My Interests

Waking dreams, tiki time travel, inter-dimensional transfers, ellipses, songwriting, multi-tracking. Oh, and hiking, dining out, moonlights on the beach, watching meteor showers, having cocktails, and making love in the dog park (not to the dogs! That's disgusting!).

I'd like to meet:

Godzilla my dreams.

("I see dead people. All the time. They don't know they're dead.") This may mean you... :)

The influences listed at left.

Actually, though, I wouldn't mind meeting some more local people to hang out with; dinner, drinks, whatever... don't be shy... hit me up, as the young 'uns say. I've met a few interesting people here in cyberland.


Beatles, Nesmith, Joan Osborne, Fiona Apple, Lindsey Buckingham, David Byrne, Paul Simon, Elvis (Costello), Todd, Jeff Davis (Niagara)

My own original music (Calamusic Web page) You can also click the music player above or see my Artist profile in Friends. I'll rotate the songs occasionally, so you can get a sampling.

Smatter! Our legendary band is reuniting for the first time in 30 years! Hopefully a few recordings will result. In addition to that Web page link, see the Smatter MySpace page from my Friends list.


Plenty of 'em but I have a real hard time remembering their names. Hey, especially that one with, uh, what's her name in it... you know... she's a GREAT actress, well, she will be someday....


Everything I know I learned from Star Trek.
Six Feet Under, Sopranos, CSI, CSI NY, CSI Guam, ....


They still make those things???? Oh yeh, that's my job, how can I be expected to actually read them?


Kal-El, Bruce Wayne, DaVinci, Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, the people who discovered wine and chocolate, and anyone who works for peace and justice.

My Blog

The Amazing Iraq Patch

Is it just me (probably) or does George Bush's plan for a new Iraq strategy sound like about 30% of the spam that gets filtered into my Junkmail box?Did he say he is looking for a larger stronger mili...
Posted by S'cott on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:30:00 PST

You Say You Want a Revolution

It's time for a revolution in the United States. That word has such a negative connotation, but remember two things: 1-The United States was founded by a revolution. 2-Revolutions do not have to b...
Posted by S'cott on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 07:44:00 PST

Like Fox News? Guess who owns MySpace!!

Interesting little realization tonight. I was reading that MySpace was sponsoring 20 concerts to raise money and awareness for the crisis in Darfur. Very admirable, of course. At the end of the artic...
Posted by S'cott on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:42:00 PST

Truth, Justice and the American Way

I was reminded of this old catch-phrase a few weeks back when I saw the movie "HollywoodLand," about the investigation of the death of TV Superman George Reeves. Truth, Justice and the American Way m...
Posted by S'cott on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:37:00 PST

MySpace Retirement Village (AMENDED)

Alright you people over 40! I'm on a mission to shift the demographics here on MySpace! Get all yer geezer friends to sign up (if they can see the screen). There's too much loud pounding music, raves ...
Posted by S'cott on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:29:00 PST

A Humble Respectful Postscript to 9-11-06

We grieve for all those who died five years ago today. We also grieve, honor, and respect our fallen fighting men and women, wherever they may be stationed, for making the ultimate sacrifice to defe...
Posted by S'cott on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:12:00 PST

Lessons for an Ominous Anniversary

There was an Associated Press article this week that detailed concern by scientists for those living around the Washington, DC area. It seems that contaminants in the Potomac River are causing 8...
Posted by S'cott on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 01:07:00 PST

How to Win an Election

With November elections on their way, the war in Iraq becoming unpopular at home (hey, this is not a slight on "our troops,") and the Repugnicans worried there will be fallout, and god forbid, the "go...
Posted by S'cott on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 03:12:00 PST

Previous blog entries!

I have been keeping a blog back to 2004 on my main Web site. Much of it is political cynicism, but for those interested you can click here and work your way backwards!...
Posted by S'cott on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:22:00 PST

No More Pluto? Why That's Just Goofy!

So what are these Mickey Mouse astronomers doing anyway .. ?Poor cold, dark, lonely Pluto has just been demoted to a minor planet, and now our solar system only has a total of eight major celestial bo...
Posted by S'cott on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:58:00 PST