Waking dreams, tiki time travel, inter-dimensional transfers, ellipses, songwriting, multi-tracking. Oh, and hiking, dining out, moonlights on the beach, watching meteor showers, having cocktails, and making love in the dog park (not to the dogs! That's disgusting!).
Godzilla my dreams.
("I see dead people. All the time. They don't know they're dead.") This may mean you... :)
The influences listed at left.
Actually, though, I wouldn't mind meeting some more local people to hang out with; dinner, drinks, whatever... don't be shy... hit me up, as the young 'uns say. I've met a few interesting people here in cyberland.
Beatles, Nesmith, Joan Osborne, Fiona Apple, Lindsey Buckingham, David Byrne, Paul Simon, Elvis (Costello), Todd, Jeff Davis (Niagara)
My own original music (Calamusic Web page) You can also click the music player above or see my Artist profile in Friends. I'll rotate the songs occasionally, so you can get a sampling.
Smatter! Our legendary band is reuniting for the first time in 30 years! Hopefully a few recordings will result. In addition to that Web page link, see the Smatter MySpace page from my Friends list.
Plenty of 'em but I have a real hard time remembering their names. Hey, especially that one with, uh, what's her name in it... you know... she's a GREAT actress, well, she will be someday....
Everything I know I learned from Star Trek.
Six Feet Under, Sopranos, CSI, CSI NY, CSI Guam, ....
They still make those things???? Oh yeh, that's my job, how can I be expected to actually read them?
Kal-El, Bruce Wayne, DaVinci, Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, the people who discovered wine and chocolate, and anyone who works for peace and justice.