Retainers. They're fascinating
Tomato sandwhiches are the best ever.
Not someone smelly like this one girl I know.
These bands are too cool for you:
They rock:
Ozma. Weezer. Death Cab for Cutie. Lives of Many. Sick City. The Alibi. Bright Eyes. Means. Moments of Brilliance. Shout out Louds. Comeback Kid. Sydney. The Pixies. The Spill Canvas. OK Go. The Shins. The Postal Service. Black Keys. Saves the Day. The Alibi. The Holly Springs Disaster. Nice Guys Finish First. The Pernice Brothers. They Might Be Giants. Accepting Silence. Bleed the Dream. Greeley Estates. As I Lay Dying. Hawthorne Heights. Guns for Glory. The Rentals. The Squares.
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