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What Kind Of Lesbian Stereotype Are You???
Tomboy:You dress pretty casual and you have short hair that's pretty easy to style. You are probably frequently mistaken for a young boy. You are very passionate and fall in love easily.
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MySpace Astrology
You Are 31 Years Old
You are thirty-one at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
Ani Dirfranco YAY!!!
A taste of what I listen to....
my favorite movies are by Tim Burton I love his work and I like White Olieander, Requiam for a dream, Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.....lol I guess I'm lydia deitz
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My favorite books would be The Giver by Louis Louiry and White Oleander by Janet Fitch, A child called it and the lost boy and a man named david. I want to read wicked and battle royal umm and I also own when gay and lesbians speak out and am reading it. its pretty interesting and The whole lesbian sex book I've never had any complaints but wheres the hurt in learning everyday and throwing a supprise in everyonce and a while lol I own this one and it good I want to get the rest of them. I dont own this one but I really want to read it so I might as well buy it if I ever find it.again I need to buy this so I can read it.
R.I.P. Beatrice Owens
R.I.P. Tyson Reece... I love you bro
R.I.P. Brent McGreer
R.I.P. Jeff Frost
R.I.P. Nicole Willson
R.I.P. Tim Townsand
R.I.P. Ciny Has .. I'm soo sorry love... I miss you
R.I.P. Melinda Dawn Risley
R.I.P. Josh Phipps "TeT",