Our history is long, we have seen empires rise and fall. During which we wait for our sovereign lord to return to us - the weilder of the Darkness.
It has been over 500 years since our first lord and founder, Miguel Estacado, perished. Miguel was the first bearer of the Darkness to see it's true potential; to use the Darkness to reshape the world. He dreamed of a world where the Bearer of the Darkness would rule all and created the Brotherhood to help him achieve this goal... and enjoy the spoils.
Upon his death the Brotherhood lived on, secretly keeping a watchful eye over each successive bearer. We wish only to serve the Darkness and its bearer. Tirelessly we strove to instruct each new Bearer, the sons and grandsons of Miguel Estacado, how to command and control the Darkness. Alas, each time we have failed for the Estacado lineage has grown weak and corrupt.
Now, after five centuries it appears as though our prayers have been answered. The latest Bearer of the Darkness is strong and merciless. We will guide him in the use of his powers. We will show him the terrible feats he can perform. We will reveal to him a world shaped and ruled by the Darkness. All he has to do is submit.
Join the Brotherhood of the Darkness and aid us in our quest. Help us bring peace to this world by uncovering the eyes of our new messiah, Jackie Estacado.
Lucky lucky boy.
Haven't you guessed, Jackie?
You are the Darkness.
You have the power.
You can do anything.
And you'll pay the price...[if !IE]>