Stabz: Born in the White Ass Suburbia of the Hamilton Mountain. A Pissed off Rebelious over opiniated Musical Genious was made! Josh Fisher AKA Stabz started his musical career at the early age of 13. " I Grew up with a rough childhood with a very stressful family life I soon started a life of crime and rebellion around age 13 doing petty crimes and learning the ways of the streets and the ways of the drug market soon after realising that there was more to life then just drugs and violence I started to make a mark in my life writing poetry and music to vent my rage and anger I wrote my first song at 14 yrs old and even tho it wasnt my best work i knew I had a talent for music and I knew what I wrote could affect ppl it was sort of a way to get back at society and the ppl around me that were making my life a living hell My words are morbid and offensive and I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF UR OFFENDED!! you either like me or u dont yu either hate me or love me and either way my life will go on and i'll still be writing what i love MUSIC music is my life and if u want to appreciate what I do I have respect for yu Take it for what it is and if u dont like what i do then turn off the fuckin speakers and change the song cause I aint ever gonna change who i am I will always be me and if you dont like me then im happy for that cause i dont need ppl who bring us down My name is Stabz Steel City and I can be anything yu think I am and if u think im an asshole or a bitch then thats what i am to you but i know who i am and i know where i came from the STREETS and the GUTTER so Respect me for who I AM or Go Fuck Yourself !!!"ADD Stabz Steel-City!!!
Cuz He..'s ILL n Real Gritty!!!
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