HotFreeLayoutsSo I suppose Im to express some significant, interesting and profound but witty synopsis of my life which is to be read by mostly strangers who care less about my life than I an ant's and is to provide enough information to decide if I am worthy of becoming the proverbial 'friend' in this net based pseudo-club of sorts. Fortunately, I lack desire (due to the reasons mentioned above) and most importantly it would be a nearly impossible and undeniably daunting task to try to capture my life's essence in a mere few paragraphs. Besides, who really feels inspired to read those long, let's not forget to mention pretentious and painfully self-loving auto-summaries. So, I'll just mention the basics, which are facts and allows the freedom for judgments (which is what we innately do anyway). I'm a 22 year old pre-med student transferring to UCSF or Stanford medical school. I live in San Francisco, New York's my second home and Colombia owns my heart. I was born in Cali, Colombia (that is in South America for those geographically challenged individuals) and no I'm not in the cartel nor will I get you cocaine. That's about all I feel entitled to share with strangers. Anything else, simply ask. Scroll images by