politics. philosophy. music. reading. writing. buddhism.
witty people. :)
One of my hobbies and interest is listening to music. I ♥ music! I listen to...
*Alternative Rock
*Bass Music
*Beat Boxing
*Chicano Oldies
*Classic Rock
Music defines alot about who I am, but it doesn't define ME! Get it? It does not determine who I hang out with, how I dress or even how I speak. I am ME.
Comedy, Action, Horror, Thrillers, Drama, and Documentaries
The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Any interesting documentaries, and every once in a while I get hooked on a random show. I also am an avid watcher of the news, it gives me a greater view of the world, its people and how people choose to exsist in this world. I love to stay current to know whats going on, and also to be a memeber of society. Its a great thrill to me to be able to discuss a topic and have something intelligent to say about it.
The Bohemian Manifesto.
The Power of Now.
Everyone that has changed the course of history for a righteous cause.