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I am here for Friends

About Me can I tell you about me? Well, for starters, my name is Robyn, and yes, its actually spelled like that. I'm little, well 5 feet tall, that qualifies as little right? Right now I'm just your average college kid, living in Spokane, going to school, and working with probably some of the coolest people ever, minus Kenny now...asshole...I work in retail, so what? I love it...and all the stories I take home from it...I hate school, and have 2 years left because I'm a slacker and didn't go see my advisor until I royally screwed my schedule, but thats life...I like to have fun, lots and lots of fun...we frequent random bars quite frequently :), but can always be found at "our table" at the Star on Thursdays...yay for drunk stupid people singing awful karaoke! I also host UFC pay-per-view shindigs at my house whenever they're on...because watching them at the bar is lame and always super crowded and expensive. I'm a huge sports fan, particularly ultimate fighting (obviously) and football...thats really all I can think of...but seriously, call me out, send me a message...whatever, I'll talk to you soon!
My Brain is 26.67% Female, 73.33% Male
Your Heart is Black
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've met quite a few people that will be hard to top...but if I don't know you and you're just sending me a message saying "I like your profile," or "you're cute, wanna hang out," thats bullshit, and we probably won't be speaking....other than that, I'm not that picky....there's so many people out there, so anyone who's not a creep, I hope we meet.John Sanders is the most awesome guy ever!
Ris forRadiant
Ois forOutrageous
Bis forBewitching
Yis forYummy
Nis forNutty What Does Your Name Mean?

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