I dont like using apostrophes.
I am shockingly good at ping pong.
I have an LJ page for those who care, it is here . Unfortunately, large parts of it are just me talking about poker, you have been warned.
Im a professional poker player. But my friends the colonoscopy technician and the apprentice blacksmith make my job look pretty mundane.
Read these two quotes today and had to record them somewhere, this is as good a place as any:
"you cant really kill a limit player, theyre already dead on the inside"
"Minbet poker can kill someone a hell of a lot harder than NL. Losing 1000BB's at NL is like getting shot in the face. Losing 1000BB's at limit (or minbet as you want to call it) is like punched to death by a 4 year old. It is fantastic."
If youre asking someone to move slow, thats me. If youre asking someone to move fast, youd better ask me later. In fact youd better ask me now, Ill think about it later. And then after that later... later on... ill move. But its not gonna be fast, its gonna be creeping. Thats the whole point of the fucking song bitch.