I have a lot of cool friends,.
yes, they are better than yours. :D.
00k h3r3'S WAZ UPP THiiS GURL T00LUCA RiiGHT H3R3 iiS && A L W A Y S WiiLL B3 MA B3ST3ST MOST FAV0RiiT3 GURL! SH3 HAS ALWAYS B33N TH3R3 AND W3 HAV3 TH3 M0ST FUNN T0GETHER ii DONT THiiNK N-E 0NE COULD 3V3R OWN UP T0 B3 LiIKE H3R!! n0 0ne iiS M0R3 MY B3ST FRiiEND THAN H3R! BECAUSE: SH3 iiS SW33T, pReTtY, FUNii, &&.............. MY L00V3!!!!!!!!ever SH3'S MA T0LUL0 && ii'M H3R J3LLY! MiiK3 MiiK3 MiiK3 MAYNNNNN...what can II say m0r3 than II l0v3 thIIs f0o && f0o r3all h3 wiiLL a l w a y s b3 ma man and som3 0ne ii can cry on and hiim always hav'en ma baq && m3 always hav'en hiis liik3 duHhhHhHhhH!!!!!!
k wow IzZy... what can i say but i luv her we have gotten in arguements but it was becuse of other people and we always come back to each other we laugh every time we are together and have sOoOoOo many inside jokes HaLlA hAlLlLAAAAAA! =p I named her ISaBeL fIgUrOwA! haha && i will ALwAyS luv herHuMmMmmM.. pedro wowser ahh haa we have the most funn man and the most laughs gosh i luv hanging out with him! ahhhh haha but wen he comes over he makes me hElLa hyper that i have to listen to sum calm music
courtney//court//corrneyy [as my dad says]
thiss gurl right here is my bestiie through thick and thin..we have 749650547325 insides jokes i can't even explain && we have known each other since 6th grade and continued being bEsT FrIeNdS FoR LyFe! i can truly say that this gurl knows all my secrects and knows me more than i do sumtimes :ppp but thats not the point i love her with all my &♥; && i have her baq for anything!! MaN......:RYAN:. HAHA w3ll i bearly met hiim but h3 iis a funnii crack H3Ad.. and wh3n 3v3r i d0o s33 hiim i always s33m t0o laugh or smile cuz h3 is so0 funii aLL Th3 TiiM3&& HiiS curly HaiiR iis sUchA TriiP I L0V3 IT♥. but i d0o miis hiim n0w b/c h3 had to m0v3 and leve sko0l bUt ii sTill s33 ThiiS KiiD pLac3S&&B0oth HiiS
&& tHis iS My beSt fRienD anDre...//
&& We haVe kn0wn eAch 0theR sinCe tHe beGinnG 0f thE yeAr...//:]
&& wE hAve The beSt 0f timEs t0geTher...//:p
&& tHis d0wN t0 eaRth gUy craCks mE Up...//:D
P.S. f0r y0ur F Y I......