Só Deixo Meu Coração Em Na Mão De Quem Pode profile picture

Só Deixo Meu Coração Em Na Mão De Quem Pode

Hoping for a little twist in Fate

About Me

Im Christopher Walkins Prodigy lmfaoo. READ MY LIVEJOURNAL
Well let's see I'm sticking to a career that will most likley have me living with Mom and Pop till my mid 30's. I should have gone with my first choice and become a Geologist or Meteorologist...but.... I found a better passion.
I live to hopefully inspire and make a difference in some else's life. If not today, someday in the future. At times I'm impulsive. That's something that needs a change, I try to live in "the moment" but you know you shouldnt do that often because it never works, because once its over it haunts you. I don't mean that in the worst possible way. One thing no one can ever change about me is the fact that I am a Pragmatist and quite a Realist. Ehh I try. I love philosophy. But I dont think I could ever take a course because, it's not a credit I need. (considering what my major is)
I've been getting into Existentialism again. It's a philosophy that emphasizes the fact that Us as Individuals are free and therefore, whatever we make of ourselves is because of our ownselves, rather than society.
Anywho, enough putting most of you to sleep..lol...interested in chatting it up. Go ahead send a message...

My Interests

CNN - yes the tely channel

Bookstores - oh, I own way to many books
The Collective Unconciousness

The NY Times

I'd like to meet:

I'm marrying Brandon Boyd..haha



I like to cry to Vallenatos, New Wave, Metal, Samba, Salsa, Oldies, Obscure Foreign music! :)


Why We Fight, The Prestige, V for Vendetta, La Aventurera, House of Flying Daggers, Dr.Strangelove, Eternal Sunshine, Central Station, The Devil Wears Prada, Stranger Than Fiction


Don't really watch TV, BUT IF I DO ITS ;
CNN, Antiques Roadshow Anything on NGC or History Channel. stuff on Anthropologic, Astronomical, Geological & Anatomical Studies.


I own way too many books..but I'm pretty proud of my libray..
I just usually stick to Fiction, Science Fiction, and Current Affairs

*Johnny's Got His Gun
*Lo Que Vi: Experencias de un Periodista Alrededor del Mundo
*The Stranger
*Any "Too Much Coffee Man" *Brandon Boyd's books.

Some of my favorite authors would have to be Kundera, Camus, Rand, Fante...


The Wii isn't the only thing I use him for...ohhhh yeeeaaa!!!


My Blog

I am in Love for the millionth time...

If you buy me one, I will marry you :)...
Posted by só deixo meu coração em na mão de quem pode on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:07:00 PST

complaints much?

cant find my chapstick .. :(  cant fall asleep :(  stupid headache & stomache ache :(  ehhhh
Posted by só deixo meu coração em na mão de quem pode on Sat, 05 May 2007 12:25:00 PST

some personality quiz..pretty dam accurate

..> ..> Advanced Global Personality Test Results ..> ..> ..> ..> Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63% Stability |||||||||| 36% Orderliness |||||||||||||| 53% Accommodation |||||||||||||| 56% In...
Posted by só deixo meu coração em na mão de quem pode on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 01:51:00 PST