lot bo family profile picture

lot bo family

About Me

Ernst alias Puggy et Frantz alias Ninja, forment le duo lot bo family. Tout deux d'origine ha..tienne ces acolytes nous arrivent tout droit de st-Martins.C'est en 1999 qu'ils empreintent le chemin de la dance hall au sein de leur 1er crew...........Leurs lyrics br..lants,leurs flow saccad..s font de ce groupe un pur cocktail explosif. Ils pr..sentent .. travers leurs textes toutes les richesses ainsi que la mis..re de leur ..le natale. Representer Ha..ti est cher .. leurs coeurs. Ces personages atypiques ont rejoint le collectif B.A Sound .. leurs ariv..s en m..tropole. Ag..s de 20 et 21 ans ils sont en place pour assurer la rel..ve "chaudement ! ". Ou"""""""pa"""""""""""""ten""""""""""""""""""""d..!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!H..!Dance hall artist,we are real artists straight from the backyard saint martin. We don't know how long it will take but our goal is to succeed and we will achieve it, since music is what we love doing and what we live fo

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r! We love singing and our song have a lot of meaning and carry a real message. We are self made, independent artist who love to play music and spend nigths and days of our time writing songs and lyrics. Our band's name is "LOTBO family"and our tribe is called"CGB" witch stands for"Clean gone boys". Our songs are written in english, french and creole. We put our faith and protection in our father and we hope to be on the map real soon. We are in desparate need for a producer that can put us on the track, a producer that won't mind investing in ghetto people.lotbo cgb.
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/18/2006
Band Website: lotbocgb@yahoo.fr
Band Members: ninja and dirty p from lot bo family and thebig 30 cgb the clean gone boyz
Sounds Like:
envoyé par Kr360
Type of Label: Indie