Hi my name is patirick, and I am a cat. I have been moved around alot. At the first place I lived I drowned a pool of chemicals and lost all my fur, this was at Michele and Jillian Smiths house. I had a very dirsturbing childhood, and neglected because of my baldness, my mom Rainbow died when I was a little baby. My dad pete is still living at Michele and Jillians house same with my cousin Spud. After living their for about the first year of my life, I was given as a gift to Elaine O'Neill the grandparents of Michele and Jillain. She was very good to me but she died in september of 2004 R.I.P. I was then moved to the other grandchildren of Elaines Katie and Jimmy O'Neill. Here I am loved very much. I have a roomate named Jobijo, that is alot bigger than me and is very scary. We don't get along very well. I like to be lazy and lay out on the deck in the shade, catch little critters, and lay under and on top of cars. I used to play fetch but I try to show Jobijo I am not a little baby. I like to be pet right behind the ears! and be picked up sometimes. My favorite place to sleep is on the base ment couches, or on the coffee table in my living room, until I get yelled at for it. Well thats enough about me... I'll write more later animal layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com love / music / movies