*cars but im not a drag racer, *sleeping all d tym, *surfing d net, *i love playing badminton, *goin to some echoz beach hahaha!
I've met so many yet i kept few I've known too many and cherished a few Alot of things yet i have to do So many obligations to attend to---add me on my frendster account camile@iAteneo.com cmil_30clones@yahoo.com ----myspace
No particular group that i really like but the songs of the following are music to my ears ...ehhehe...alternative rock? hmm.. *simple plan, *the calling, *red hot chili pepper, *incubus, *maroon 5, *rivermaya, *sponge cola, * bamboo
lord of the rings, passion of christ, harry potter, too fast furious, kill bill, troy, spiderman, matrix, peter pan, the last samurai (xmpre no ex ko yta bida dun hehehe...)
all kindz of cartoonz
medical books? oH my God!!! do you really want to kill me?