Just friends on here to chat with.
I listen to Rock , R&B , and Rap and alot of hiphop
RushHour1&2, X-Men1&2&3 ummmmm still thinking of great movies i like Ohhh yeah Grease the 1st one the 2nd sucked. All six of the StarWars And only the 1st Jaws
Never around a TV always out.
some of these ppl are great friends and other are just something else..... Now heres one of the best resons to live in this shitty town.This would be Stephi this girl is soo sweet and caring.Such a blast of hyperness is always in this girl that makes it so fun to be around her.She will cheer up anybodys day like she does mine when im around her.Ok this would be My older brother joe. He showed me the ropes about every thing. and so thankful to him for showing me how to deal with female drama.Hes always there when I need someone or to talk about things.When I was growing up this is who I always looked up too him.This would be a chatter box by the name lanette Aka BloodyPisser.Its a nick name and a inside joke. if you ever want to keep something from the town to know just dont tell her. other then every thing shes cool too be around and shes sweet.now heres Mariah.Shes always fill with joy i have not once seen this girl sad and hope i never do.She's like the only one i talk too late night since every one else sleeps. shes just a great friend to have to bull shit with.