*~Valeria Veronica~* profile picture

*~Valeria Veronica~*

With you, my soul is complete...

About Me

Since your curious, my name is Valeria Veronica Krebs...Things in my life are really hectic at the moment, due to going to school full time, working on the weekends, planning a wedding, and being pregnant (due around April 3rd)...I want to get my life back on track with God, but find it really hard due to all the worldly things going on in my life...God has blessed me with so many wonderful people, gifts, love, etc...that I've realized I have taken certain things for granted...No matter how stressful life gets, I need to step back and realize everything God has already done for me... It's really hard to describe myself, therefore I'll let you decide what kind of person I am... As of now, I am about to marry the most amazing man in my life, Jeff Muldovan!! We are so excited about our special day, November 1, 2008..!! It is a day where we will become ONE and live our lives through the good and bad...It is a day where I will NEVER forget nor regret...
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My Interests

My interests are: hangin out with my spectacular friends and family, listening to A-MAZING music, goin to concerts/shows, meeting NEW people, traveling, watching COOL movies, drawing, eating foreign food, SHOPPING whenever and wherever (when i hav the $$), riding the BEST horse ever (Shoman, my thoroughbred), rockclimbing (in California), white-river rafting (gets the adrenaline going!), camping, hiking, swimming, modeling (high fashion), and RELAXING...

I'd like to meet:

Actually, I don't think there is anyone I want to meet right now...I just love meeting NEW people, randomly...


The music I like to listen to is: EVERYTHING, but jazz, some country, bluegrass, opera, and heavy metal (just things like that)... My favorites would have to be: THE ROCKET SUMMER, 30 SECONDS TO MARS, EVANESCENCE, ALL AMERICAN REJECTS, FALL-OUT BOY, JOHN COUGAR MELLONCAMP, CREED, SKILLET, HAWK NELSON, RELIENT K, KIDS IN THE WAY, STIX, BILLY JOEL, JOURNEY, SWITCHFOOT, GOO GOO DOLLS, THE FRAY, DAUGHTRY, QUEEN, BON JOVI, AEROSMITH and the list goes on!!


I love to watch suspense, fantasy, action, drama, comedy, and some romance movies. I can't name all of the movies I like, but "one" of my all-time favorites would have to be ARMAGEDDON!!


T.V...what's that?.?.? So far I haven't been able to watch too much television due to college...When I have the time, I like to watch the Discovery channel (Mythbusters, American Chopper, Dirty Jobs), TLC (Miami Ink, What Not To Wear, While You Were Out, Little People-Big World), and A&E (Criss Angel--Mindfreak!!)


College text books at the moment...and lots and lots of lecture notes...


The heroes in my life would be, without a doubt, God, my parents, and friends....They all saved me in sooooo many ways!!!!

My Blog

What REALLY matters...

There are only 3 things that really matter in life. They are: Faith, Hope, and Love But the greatest of these is Love... Love is patient, love is kind. It does NOT envy, it does NOT boa...
Posted by *~Valeria Veronica~* on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:39:00 PST

pOeMs FrOm ThE pAsT

The foul creature feasts on the world It tears through the faint-hearted and spiritless No one can see it; everyone can feel it Danger becomes unknown The depression of death and hatred lurks behind A...
Posted by *~Valeria Veronica~* on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:11:00 PST

a New Beginning...

One mile stone of life is finally gone, and that would be the years of highschool.  Looking back 4 years, where did it go?? At the time, it seemed to DRAG on forever, but now, it's already over.....
Posted by *~Valeria Veronica~* on Wed, 23 May 2007 02:27:00 PST

FAITH...the true meaning

Faith is not just believing "something." Real faith is doing things that show our faith to be REAL. It is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It's like the wind. We know ...
Posted by *~Valeria Veronica~* on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 05:42:00 PST

A lil bout me.....

Name:Valeria Veronica IIIBirthdate:May 16, 1989Birthplace:Poughkeepsie, New YorkCurrent Location:Home of the Circleville Pumpkin Show!Eye Color:brownHair Color:brown w/ a sexy blonde streakHeight:5' 8...
Posted by *~Valeria Veronica~* on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:09:00 PST