Janel profile picture


strange days.

About Me

I'm 22 and in the spring I graduated with a psych BA. I work with teens and kids, sometimes at a book store, and wherever else I can make money. Recently this includes "clown school". Being poor is lame.

I I wear ballet skirts in public. I listen to my music too loud on the bus and generally always. I read books for fun. I want to travel. I like water and night.

I love to write, love music with an unhealthy passion, play mediocre guitar and piano, and sing a little too.

Shining light. I'm not giving up yet.

My Interests

Music, writing, reading, learning, philosophy, psychology, artsy things (crafts, photography, painting), sunshine, water, night, friends. Improving.

I'd like to meet:

Someone decent. Maybe you? The steady decline of society makes me sick to my stomach.


Bands: I like a lot of bands but I won't pretentiously list them all here - just the ones I am currently loving: Josh Groban, Vienna Boys Choir, Finger 11, Deftones, Evanescence, Thrice, Radiohead, Neverending White Lights, Hem.


I love movies about the holocaust (I want to learn everything I can about it). Also, recent favourite movies are: Edward Scissorhands and Requiem for a Dream... and Mockingbird Don't Sing.


ER, America's Next Top Model, Dr Phil, House, Criminal Minds, Jeopardy


Again, way to many to list. Books about the holocaust and books about crazy people are mostly what I read. "Becoming Anna" (Anna Michener); "Life Inside" (Mindy Lewis); "The Bell Jar" (Sylvia Plath); "More, Now and Again" (Elizabeth Wurztle); "Skin Game" (Caroline Kettlewell), "Man's Search for Meaning / From Death Camp to Existentialism" (Viktor Frankl), "The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood", "Dialogues of Plato" (Plato).


Ginna, Marja, and Tanya.