Okay this is called "FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ". You have to type the 1ST thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 35 things. You can't think and go back and change your answers. Copy and Paste, then delete answers to make them your own. Here we go: 1. Beer: San Miguel Light 2. Anorexic: model 3. Relationships: LOVE 4. Penis: mushroom 5. Power Rangers: Captain Planet 6. Weed: as in peed? 7. Steroids: muscles/hypo 8. Cartoons: SPONGEBOB 9. The President: BUSH 10. Tupperware: muffins ( DUNNO WHY ) 11. Florida: Flowers 12. Santa Claus: Presents 13. Halloween: LOLIIIIESSS 14. Bon Jovi: shot through the heart 15. Grammar: english 16: Myspace: ADDICTIVE 17. Worst fear: painful death 18. Marriage: Wedding gown 19. Paris Hilton: Money 20. Pat: Doggy 21. Redheads: Apple 22. Blondes: Barbie 23. Pass the: ball? 24. One night stands: eww 25. Donald Trump: hmm 26. Neverland: Pixie dust 27. Pixie Stix: ???? 28. Vanilla ice cream: YUMMM 29. Hooters: HUMPS 30. High school: prisonment 31. Pajamas: I HAVE TWEETY ONES! 33. Wet Socks: YUCK! 34. Alcohol: MMMMM YUMMM 35. Love: is a four letter word
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Rock, Punk, Slow jamz, House, Trance, RnB, OPM
Horror, Romance, Thriller and Action
Sponge Bob, House, Thank god you're here, so you think you can dance, australian idol
a lot
~Lily~ Hunny bunz cutie pie cup cakes!!!! Thank you so much for being there for me! i truly appreciate it, you've been such a great friend. I love you heaps and i don't know what I would do without you!! I will die! I can never thank you enough for how much you've tolerated me! HAHAHA. You're such an amazing person! Truly adorable! Thank you for the appreciation for everything that I do!! may it be little or BIG. I LOVE YOU!!! i'll always be here for you whenever you need me!!! I'm thankful that i have met you and to be able to share my life with you. ( lol it sounds like marriage! )~Anh Thoa~ man, you are like a big sister and a bestfriend at the same time. i wouldn't know what to do all those times i was down and all those times i was confused of what to do. I thank you for supporting me all the way in everything that i do!! I really do! Thank you for caring for me so much, as if you didn't want anything to happen to me, not even get hungry! i lvoe you pumpkin! Thanks for everything.~Steph~ i love your hair the end. Nah jokes, you were always there for me as they were there for me. I thank you for the patience you have developed!! I know you can be very short tempered! And thank god we havent had a fight!! Thank you for the times when i needed to vent things out! You listening to all my useless blaberring was really nice! ;) And for all those 50 cents 20 cents or even a dollar that you have lent me that i may have forgottn to pay back. THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOU APPLE!!