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My Interests

ShoppinG,Cooking,watching movies,


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i love watching movies....i can say i have watched a lot already...Pero syempre there are those movies that would always stand out....like KILLBILL, chasing liberty,princess diaries, little mermaid, Meet Joe black, Clueless, a beautiful mind, the butterfly effect, hannibal, beauty and the beast, pretty woman, lord of the rings, she's all that, devils advocate and Godfather...


SEX AND THE CITY, C.S.I, american idol, MTV cribs, Alias, everybody loves raymond, Mind of a married man, who's line is it anyway, for love or money, vicitm, punk'd, wolfgang Puck's cook show, in style, F!,


Cook books.....just love looking at them..=) confessions of a shopaholic, the guardian, a walk to remember,

My Blog

another sem....

Hay.... another sem.. my sched's so hard... i have to stay in school up until 7 in the evnin... im really not used to this type of sched thats why i think im having a hard time ADJUSTN.. i hope everyo...
Posted by heidi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my trip!

just got back from a trip to bangkok.. it was nice... but that place is really hot! mas mainit pa sa pinas!!! o well... i really had fun shpn and eating spicy food! my trip was great! hope to have the...
Posted by heidi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

new pics...

Gosh.. new pics at last! =)
Posted by heidi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST