å› æ¤å¥¹åœ¨æˆæ›²çš„ä¸å¤®å¦é™¢æ³¨å†Œäº†åœ¨åŒ—京,她接
å—她剧烈的è®ç»ƒã€‚ 它是æ¤æ—¶å¥¹åšå¥¹ç¬¬ä¸€éƒ¨ç”µå½±çš„,感人的星光。
以åŽï¼Œ Ziyi得到了她的大æ–裂。 å¥¹ä¸ºé¦™æ³¢å•†åŠ¡è¯•æ¼”ï¼ŒæŒ‡æŒ¥ç”±å¼ ãƒ» Yimou (一China' s多数显耀的主任)。 许多æˆåŠŸçš„影片的主任,他使用了商务作为方
为她的第一部主è¦å½±ç‰‡ï¼Œè·¯é¦–é¡µï¼Œå¼ Yimou选择Z
èµ°å‘她的镇在农æ‘ä¸å›½çš„一个女å©ã€‚ 路首页赢å–了陪审团盛大Prix银熊奖在2000å¹´æŸæ
ž—电影节。 å¼ Ziyi获得了她的表现的有å望的一百个花奖ã€
”铸了给AngæŽä¸»ä»»ä»¥åŽç”±å¼ ・ Yimou的。 æŽæœ€åˆè®¡åˆ’扮演香港å°æ˜Žæ˜Ÿè§’色的Shué½ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯
¨ä½œä¸ºèˆžè¹ˆå®¶ã€‚ æ ¹æ®AngæŽï¼Œ Ziyi主任必须å¦ä¹ " ä¸ä»…æ¦æœ¯ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯æ€§æ ¼ï¼Œç»å…¸è¿åŠ¨ï¼Œä¹¦æ³•ï¼Œç¤¼èŠ‚
,声音。 潜水她未曾潜水before." 所有这è®ç»ƒåœ¨å…¶ä¸ä¸€åœ¨å½±ç‰‡åŽ†å²çš„最扣人心弦
¾—奖的长的åå•ä¹‹ä¸ã€‚ Ziyi' s角色在èŠåŠ å“¥ã€é¦™æ¸¯å’Œå¤šä¼¦å¤šèŽ·å–了她的从è¯
„论家å°ç»„的奖; 二个金黄地çƒæåã€åœ¨2001年最佳的战斗场é¢çš
„MTV电影奖和许多其他è£èª‰ä¸–ç•Œå„地。 她也是其ä¸ä¸€äººmagazine' s 50多数美丽的人在世界上。
由于横å§è€è™Žï¼Œ Ziyiç«‹å³é€‚åˆå›½é™…性地著åå’ŒChina'的最çƒçš„å¹´è½
»å¥³æ¼”员; s电影工业。 她为å人背书广泛是追寻,她éžå¸¸å°å¿ƒåœ°é€‰æ‹©
的费在ä¸å›½ã€‚ 她也接å—了æ£å¼å…¬è®¤ç”±æ˜¯æœ€å¹´è½»çš„人命å对ä¸
在å¤å¤©2001年, Ziyi在Jackie Chan'选择由æˆå‰§æ高她的国际外形一个æ¶æ£; s抽æ€å‘½ä¸é«˜å³°æ—¶é—´2。 喜剧是最高的总共获利的影片Ziyi的这个Jackie Chan和克里斯Tuckerè¦å¯Ÿå®žé™…上出现。 她扮演HuæŽï¼Œé€‰æ‹©æ¦å™¨æ˜¯æœ€å¤§çš„炸弹她å¯ä»¥è¿è
½½çš„刺客的角色。 她的角色èšç„¦åŒ…括看起æ¥å¥½ï¼Œè¡ŒåŠ¨ç–¯ç‹‚和踢克
里斯Tucker' sé©´å。 She' s伟大在所有三,而Chanå’ŒTuckerå¢žåŠ ç¬‘ã€‚
Mongolian入侵者刻画Ming公主被扣压的人质。 Korea' 对争论者,这的så应是在韩国历å²çš„最大和æœ
€æ˜‚贵的影片项目。 ç²—ç ‚å’ŒçŽ°å®žæš´åŠ›æŽ§åˆ¶èŠè•‰ç§‘æ ·å¼ã€‚ åœ¨å¥¹å›žåˆ°ä¸Žå¼ Yimou的工作åšè‹±é›„的这之åŽï¼Œå¦ä
她的第一个æˆç†Ÿå‰§çƒˆçš„角色在紫色è´è¶ã€‚ 在20世纪30年代上海内,一个脆弱的少妇命åè¾
›Xia (辛西亚)åŠ å…¥æŠµæŠ—å’Œåˆ†é…与诱惑她的å‰æ—¥æœ¬æ‹ä
ººï¼Œä¸ºæ—¥æœ¬æ™ºåŠ›çŽ°åœ¨å·¥ä½œã€‚ ç”±äºŽå®ƒçš„è§†è§‰æ ·å¼å’Œå®ƒå¯†é›†ï¼Œå¾®å¦™çš„密谋,慢
è§£åˆ¶é€ ä»¤äººä¸å®‰åœ°å¼ºè¿«çš„历å²æ°”氛。 行动广泛被称赞了作为movie' s最巨大的力é‡ã€‚
她在2046年其次工作了。 ç»å…¸æµªæ¼«å²å’Œç§‘幻的混åˆä»Žé¦™æ¸¯Wong Kar Wai主任的。 在它,一ä½ä½œå®¶æœ‰çˆ±ç—›è‹¦çš„记忆在生活ä¸è®¾æ³•
逃脱从他们和在文å—。 交替在这个世界和他虚构的世界的一系列的爱
¦ã€‚ å¼ Ziyiæ¼”å¥Bai陵,移动隔å£å’Œå¾ˆå¿«æˆä¸ºä»–çš„æ‹äº
ºçš„妇女。 她的最引人入胜和最æˆç†Ÿçš„角色,一åªå·¨å¤§çš„
æ¥è¿‡åŽ»ç´«è‰²è´è¶åœ¨å¥¹çš„作为女演员的æˆé•¿ã€‚ ä»ç„¶å¥¹é«˜åº¦ç§°èµžäº†è¡¨çŽ°ï¼Œå®ƒèŽ·å¾—了她的许多奖
在与著åWong Kar Wai, Ziyi一起使用以åŽé€‰æ‹©å·¥ä½œä¸Žä¸€ä½æœ‰ä¸ºçš„å¹´è½»ä¸
»ä»»ï¼Œåœ¨èŒ‰èŽ‰èŠ±å¦‡å¥³çš„Huo Yong。 爱和æŸå¤±æ•…事在三个世代的一å•èº«å®¶åºåœ¨ä¸Šæµ·
。 当影片从1930'ï¼Œç§»åŠ¨å¼ Ziyiæ¼”å¥æ¯äº²ã€å¥³å„¿å’Œå™
女; 对1950'çš„s; 对1970'çš„s; s. Ziyi被授予了China' s她的表现的多数presitigious最佳的女演员奖。 由于在生产商之间的异常的冲çªï¼ŒèŒ‰èŽ‰èŠ±å¦‡å¥³
äº†åœ¨å‡ æ¬¡ç”µå½±èŠ‚çŽ¯çƒã€‚
她å†ç»“åˆè‹±é›„和路首页的了ä¸èµ·çš„ä¸»ä»»å¼ Yimoué
®é™¢ã€‚ è¿™æ˜¯å¼ Ziyi' s最大的行动角色从蹲下的è€è™Žã€‚ å®ƒæ¯”è‹±é›„è®²ä¸€ä¸ªæ›´åŠ æƒ…æ„Ÿçš„æ•…äº‹ï¼Œè¾¾åˆ°é«˜æ½®åœ¨
壮观,如果惊人的结尾。 Ziyiå†è¢«æŽ¥å—的茂盛的é‡è¦å…¬è®¤çŽ¯çƒï¼ŒåŒ…括最ä½
æ ·è£èª‰ä¸º"è¢«èµ é€äº†; 行动role."
è¿ä½œï¼ŒæŒ‡æŒ¥ç”±æ—¥æœ¬æˆé™¢çš„盛大è€äººï¼Œ Seijun铃木。 Ziyi扮演这音ä¹çˆ±å±‚的一ä½æµ£ç†Šç²¾ç¥žå…¬ä¸»ã€‚ 她的个性, Tanuki-hime,爱上从他的father'被驱é€äº†çš„一ä½äºº
的王å; såŸŽå ¡ã€‚ ä¸ºå¥¹çš„åœ¨å½±ç‰‡çš„è§’è‰²ï¼Œå¼ Ziyi在日本采å–了两æ˜
ŸæœŸè·³èˆžå’Œå”±æŒæ•™è®ã€‚ å…¶ä¸ä¸€å°‘æ•°Ziyi没有获得一个奖的角色的,有èŠ
在2004年底,并且,虽然2005年, Ziyi在艺妓è¿ä½œï¼Œå¥¹çš„第一个主è¦å¥½èŽ±åžè§’色çš
’Œé”£æŽã€‚ 适应从畅销å°è¯´ï¼Œç”µå½±è®²è¢«å–入京都艺妓房å
一个女å©çš„故事。 当回忆录作为影片ä¸æ˜¯é‡è¦æˆåŠŸæ—¶ï¼Œ Ziyi' sä¼ ç¥žè¡¨çŽ°èµ¢å–了她的许多最佳的女演员æåï¼
Œä»Žé‡‘黄地çƒï¼Œ BAFTA和电影演员å会奖和其他。
inuosly整年上å‡äº†ã€‚ 时代æ‚志在世界上命å了她一个100最显è¦çš„人
民,并且她在Newsweek, Harper'ç›–å出现; s义å–市场,纽约时报星期天æ‚志和许多其他ã€
‚ å‘è¡Œ2046导致了称赞雪崩在é‡è¦åœˆå之内的,å¹
¶ä¸”作为年结æŸZiyi' sé¢å”ç”±è‰ºå¦“çš„å›žå¿†å½•çš„å®£ä¼ æ´»åŠ¨ä½¿ä¸æœ½ã€‚ åŒæ—¶ï¼Œåœ¨æ—¥æœ¬Ziyi以为特色完全æˆåŠŸ20本æ‚志并
›²çš„工作在å”æœä¸å›½çš„,宽æ¾åœ°æ ¹æ®å“ˆå§†é›·ç‰¹ã
€‚ 它是由Feng Xiaogang指挥的,并且应该在2006年的秋天å‘布。
Zhang Ziyi was born the 9th of February 1979, in Beijing, China. Her father worked as an economist and her mother was a kindergarden teacher. After some friends were expressed concerned she that was too frail, her parents encouraged her to take up dance and gymnastics to build up her strength.
So before Zhang Ziyi became an actress, she spent years training in traditional Chinese folk dance, first in elementary school at the Xuanwu District Children's Palace, and later at the prestigious Beijing Dance Academy. Ziyi eventually became a national champion by winning the Performance Prize at the 1994 Taoli Cup National Youth Dance Competition.
Even though a career in dance seemed promising for Ziyi, she became frustrated with the art by the time she was 15, and opted to persue acting instead.
She therefore enrolled in the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing, where she received her dramatic training. It was at this time that she made her first movie, Touching Starlight. Soon after, Ziyi got her big break. She auditioned for a shampoo commercial, directed by Zhang Yimou (one of China's most renowned directors). The director of many successful films, he used the commercial as a way to audition actresses for his upcoming film.
For her first major film, The Road Home, Zhang Yimou selected Ziyi from thousands of applicants to play Zhao Di, a young girl who falls in love with the new teacher who has come to her town in rural China. The Road Home won the Jury Grand Prix Silver Bear at the 2000 Berlin Film Festival. Zhang Ziyi won the prestigious Hundred Flowers award for her performance.
Ziyi was cast in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon after being recommended to director Ang Lee by Zhang Yimou. Lee had originally planned to cast Hong Kong starlet Shu Qi for the role, but after she decided the role would require too much training, she was replaced with Ziyi, who was used to intensive training schedules from her school years as a dancer. According to director Ang Lee, Ziyi had to study "Not only martial arts, but disposition, classic movement, calligraphy, etiquette, voice. Diving-she never dived before." All this training paid off in one of the most exciting performances in film history.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon became one of the biggest hits of 2000 (and the most popular foreign films in US history), and went on to earn a roaring $130 million at the box office and garner 4 Academy Awards, among the long list of awards it won. Ziyi's role garnered her awards from critics groups in Chicago, Hong Kong, and Toronto; two Golden Globe nominations, the MTV Movie Award for Best Fight Scene in 2001, and many other honors from around the world. She was also one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World.
As a result of Couching Tiger, Ziyi instantly became internationally famous and the hottest young actress in China's film industry. She was widely sought after for celebrity endorsements, of which she choose very carefully brands that would enhance her image, and managed to command the highest fees of any celebrity in China. She also received official recognition by being the youngest person named to the China Film Board, and by being named a Friendship Ambassador to Tibet by the Tibetan Development Fund.
In the summer 2001, Ziyi choose to enhance her international profile by play a villain in Jackie Chan's smash hit Rush Hour 2. This Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker cop comedy is actually the highest grossing film Ziyi has appeared in. She plays the role of Hu Li, an assassin whose weapon of choice is the biggest bomb she can carry. Highlights of her role include looking good, acting crazy, and kicking Chris Tucker's ass. She's great at all three, while Chan and Tucker add the laughs.
She was next seen in a Korean film entitled Musa, in which she portrayed a Ming princess taken hostage by Mongolian raiders. Korea's response to Gladiator, this was the biggest and most expensive film project in Korean history. Gritty and realistic violence dominates the style of Musa. After this she returned to work with Zhang Yimou to make Hero, another martial arts masterpiece.
Her first mature dramatic role was in Purple Butterfly. In 1930s Shanghai, a vulnerable young woman named Xin Xia (Cynthia) joins the resistance and is tasked with seducing her former Japanese lover, who now works for Japanese intelligence. The slow, dark, intense film was rejected by many critics because of its visual style and its dense, subtle plotting, which when understood creates a disturbingly compelling historical atmosphere. The acting was widely praised as the movie's greatest strength.
She next worked on 2046. A blend of classic romance and science fiction from Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai. In it, a writer with painful memories of love tries to escape from them both in life and in writing. A series of love stories alternating between this world and his fictional world of 2046 explore the depths of human passion and heartbreak. Zhang Ziyi plays Bai Ling, a woman who moves in next door and soon becomes his lover. Her most ravishing and mature role yet, a huge step past Purple Butterfly in her growth as an actress. Still her most highly praised performance, it won her many awards and lavish critical praise.
After working with the famous Wong Kar Wai, Ziyi choose to work with a promising young director, Huo Yong, in Jasmine Women. A story of love and loss in three generations of a single family in Shanghai. Zhang Ziyi plays mother, daughter, and granddaughter as the film moves from the 1930's to the 1950's to the 1970's. Ziyi was awarded China's most presitigious Best Actress award for her performance. Due to unusual conflicts between the producers, Jasmine Women still has not had a proper theatrical release in China, although it has been shown at several film festivals around the world.
She rejoined great director Zhang Yimou of Hero and The Road Home to take the next step in wuxia martial arts films, House of Flying Daggers. This was Zhang Ziyi's biggest action role since Crouching Tiger. It tells a much more emotional story than Hero, culminating in a spectacular if melodramatic ending. Ziyi again received exuberant critical recognition around the world, including a BAFTA nomination for Best Actress, one of the few times such a honor has been bestowed for an "action role."
In early 2004 Ziyi worked on her first Japanese film Princess Raccoon, directed by the grand old man of Japanese cinema, Seijun Suzuki. Ziyi plays a raccoon spirit princess in this musical love-story. Her character, Tanuki-hime, falls in love with a human prince who has been banished from his father's castle. For her role in the film, Zhang Ziyi took a two week dancing and singing lesson in Japan. One of the few for roles for which Ziyi did not win an award, as tap-dancing raccoons get no respect but only sweet smiles.
In late 2004 and though much of 2005, Ziyi worked on Memoirs of a Geisha, her first major Hollywood role, in which she starred with Ken Watanabe, Michelle Yeoh, and Gong Li. Adapted from the bestselling novel, the movie tells the story of a young girl who is sold into a Kyoto geisha house. While Memoirs as a film was not a critical success, Ziyi's expressive performance won her numerous Best Actress nominations, from the Golden Globes, BAFTA, and Screen Actors Guild Awards, and others.
2005 was a huge year for Ziyi in America, as her profile rose continuosly throughout the year. Time magazine named her one the 100 Most Influential people in the world, and she appeared on the covers of Newsweek, Harper's Bazaar, The New York Times Sunday Magazine, and many others. The release of 2046 led to an avalanche of praise within critical circles, and as the year ended Ziyi's face was immortalized by the publicity campaign for Memoirs of a Geisha. Meanwhile, in Japan Ziyi was featured in over 20 magazines and was the focus of a photo exhibit in Tokyo.
In late 2005 Ziyi began work on The Banquet, an historical drama of revenge set in Tang dynasty China, loosely based upon Hamlet. It is directed by Feng Xiaogang, and should be released in the fall of 2006.
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