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The Unofficial Myspace Ziyi Zhang Fansite

About Me

å¼ Ziyi是出生1979å¹´2月9日,在北京,中国。 因为经济学家和她的母亲是幼儿园老师,她的 父亲工作了。 在有些朋友被表达了关心她之后是太虚弱的, 她的父母鼓励她占去舞蹈和体操加强她的力量 。 因此,在张Ziyiæˆä¸ºäº†å¥³æ¼”å‘˜ä¹‹å‰ï¼Œåº¦è¿‡äº†å‡ å¹ ´è®­ç»ƒåœ¨ç¹ä½“中文民间舞的她首先在小学,在Xu anwu区Children' s宫殿,和以后有名望的北京舞蹈学院的。 Ziyi通过赢取表现奖最终适合一个全国冠军在19 94å¹´Taoli杯子全国青年舞蹈竞争。

即使在舞蹈的事业似乎有为为Ziyiï¼Œå¥¹å˜å¾—æ²®ä¸ §ä¸Žè‰ºæœ¯ï¼Œå½“她是15的时候和选择追求行动。
因此她在戏曲的中央学院注册了在北京,她接 受她剧烈的训练。 它是此时她做她第一部电影的,感人的星光。 以后, Ziyi得到了她的大断裂。 她为香波商务试演,指挥由张・ Yimou (一China' s多数显耀的主任)。 许多成功的影片的主任,他使用了商务作为方 式为他即将来临的影片试演女演员。
为她的第一部主要影片,路首页,张Yimou选择Z iyi从数以万计申请人演奏赵二,爱上新的老师 走向她的镇在农村中国的一个女孩。 路首页赢取了陪审团盛大Prix银熊奖在2000å¹´æŸæ ž—电影节。 å¼ Ziyi获得了她的表现的有名望的一百个花奖〠‚
Ziyiåœ¨è¹²ä¸‹çš„è€è™Žï¼Œåœ¨å»ºè®®ä½¿ç”¨çš„æš—è—çš„é¾™è¢«ç† ”铸了给Ang李主任以后由张・ Yimou的。 李最初计划扮演香港小明星角色的Shu齐,但是 ,在她决定了之后角色将要求许多训练,她用 Ziyiæ›¿æ¢ï¼Œç”¨äºŽä»Žå¥¹çš„å­¦å¹´çš„å¯†é›†çš„è®­ç»ƒè¿›åº¦è¡ ¨ä½œä¸ºèˆžè¹ˆå®¶ã€‚ 根据Ang李, Ziyi主任必须学习" 不仅武术,但是性格,经典运动,书法,礼节 ,声音。 潜水她未曾潜水before." 所有这训练在其中一在影片历史的最扣人心弦 的表现中支付了。
蹲下的老虎,暗藏的龙成为了其中一重击2000å¹ ´(和在美国历史的最普遍的外国电影),并且赢 得咆哮$130百万在票房和谷仓4å­¦é™¢å¥–ï¼Œåœ¨å®ƒèŽ·å ¾—奖的长的名单之中。 Ziyi' sè§’è‰²åœ¨èŠåŠ å“¥ã€é¦™æ¸¯å’Œå¤šä¼¦å¤šèŽ·å–äº†å¥¹çš„ä»Žè¯ „论家小组的奖; 二个金黄地球提名、在2001å¹´æœ€ä½³çš„æˆ˜æ–—åœºé¢çš „MTV电影奖和许多其他荣誉世界各地。 她也是其中一人magazine' s 50多数美丽的人在世界上。
由于横卧老虎, Ziyi立即适合国际性地著名和China'çš„æœ€çƒ­çš„å¹´è½ »å¥³æ¼”员; s电影工业。 她为名人背书广泛是追寻,她非常小心地选择 品牌将提高她的图象和设法命令所有名人最高 的费在中国。 她也接受了正式公认由是最年轻的人命名对中 国影片委员会和通过被命名友谊大使驻西藏由 西藏开发基金。
在夏天2001年, Ziyi在Jackie Chan'选择由戏剧提高她的国际外形一个恶棍; s抽杀命中高峰时间2。 喜剧是最高的总共获利的影片Ziyi的这个Jackie Chan和克里斯Tucker警察实际上出现。 她扮演HuæŽï¼Œé€‰æ‹©æ­¦å™¨æ˜¯æœ€å¤§çš„ç‚¸å¼¹å¥¹å¯ä»¥è¿è ½½çš„刺客的角色。 她的角色聚焦包括看起来好,行动疯狂和踢克 里斯Tucker' s驴子。 She' s伟大在所有三,而Chanå’ŒTucker增加笑。
在韩国影片是下的看见的她题为芭蕉科,她由 Mongolian入侵者刻画Ming公主被扣压的人质。 Korea' 对争论者,这的sååº”æ˜¯åœ¨éŸ©å›½åŽ†å²çš„æœ€å¤§å’Œæœ €æ˜‚贵的影片项目。 粗砂和现实暴力控制芭蕉科样式。 在她回到与张Yimouçš„å·¥ä½œåšè‹±é›„çš„è¿™ä¹‹åŽï¼Œå¦ä ¸€ä¸ªæ­¦æœ¯æ°ä½œã€‚
她的第一个成熟剧烈的角色在紫色蝴蝶。 在20世纪30å¹´ä»£ä¸Šæµ·å†…ï¼Œä¸€ä¸ªè„†å¼±çš„å°‘å¦‡å‘½åè¾ ›Xia (辛西亚)åŠ å…¥æŠµæŠ—å’Œåˆ†é…ä¸Žè¯±æƒ‘å¥¹çš„å‰æ—¥æœ¬æ‹ä ººï¼Œä¸ºæ—¥æœ¬æ™ºåŠ›çŽ°åœ¨å·¥ä½œã€‚ 由于它的视觉样式和它密集,微妙的密谋,慢 ,黑暗,强烈的影片由许多评论家拒绝,当了 解制造令人不安地强迫的历史气氛。 行动广泛被称赞了作为movie' s最巨大的力量。
她在2046年其次工作了。 经典浪漫史和科幻的混合从香港Wong Kar Wai主任的。 在它,一位作家有爱痛苦的记忆在生活中设法 逃脱从他们和在文字。 交替在这个世界和他虚构的世界的一系列的爱 情小说2046ä¹‹é—´æŽ¢ç´¢äººçš„æ¿€æƒ…å’Œä¼¤å¿ƒæ¬²ç»çš„æ·±åº ¦ã€‚ å¼ Ziyi演奏Baié™µï¼Œç§»åŠ¨éš”å£å’Œå¾ˆå¿«æˆä¸ºä»–çš„æ‹äº ºçš„妇女。 她的最引人入胜和最成熟的角色,一只巨大的 步过去紫色蝴蝶在她的作为女演员的成长。 仍然她高度称赞了表现,它获得了她的许多奖 并且挥霍重要称赞。
在与著名Wong Kar Wai, Ziyiä¸€èµ·ä½¿ç”¨ä»¥åŽé€‰æ‹©å·¥ä½œä¸Žä¸€ä½æœ‰ä¸ºçš„å¹´è½»ä¸ »ä»»ï¼Œåœ¨èŒ‰èŽ‰èŠ±å¦‡å¥³çš„Huo Yong。 爱和损失故事在三个世代的一单身家庭在上海 。 当影片从1930',移动张Ziyi演奏母亲、女儿和孙 女; 对1950'çš„s; 对1970'çš„s; s. Ziyi被授予了China' s她的表现的多数presitigious最佳的女演员奖。 由于在生产商之间的异常的冲突,茉莉花妇女 没在中国仍然有适当的戏剧性发行,虽然显示 了在几次电影节环球。
她再结合英雄和路首页的了不起的主任张Yimoué ‡‡å–在wuxiaæ­¦æœ¯å½±ç‰‡çš„ä¸‹ä¸€ä¸ªæ­¥éª¤ï¼Œé£žè¡ŒåŒ•é¦–è® ®é™¢ã€‚ 这是张Ziyi' s最大的行动角色从蹲下的老虎。 它比英雄讲一个更加情感的故事,达到高潮在 壮观,如果惊人的结尾。 Ziyiå†è¢«æŽ¥å—çš„èŒ‚ç››çš„é‡è¦å…¬è®¤çŽ¯çƒï¼ŒåŒ…æ‹¬æœ€ä½ ³çš„女演员的一个BAFTA提名,其中一少数计时这 样荣誉为"被赠送了; 行动role."
在2004年初Ziyi在她的第一位日本影片公主Raccoon 运作,指挥由日本戏院的盛大老人, Seijun铃木。 Ziyi扮演这音乐爱层的一位浣熊精神公主。 她的个性, Tanuki-hime,爱上从他的father'被驱逐了的一位人 的王子; s城堡。 为她的在影片的角色,张Ziyiåœ¨æ—¥æœ¬é‡‡å–äº†ä¸¤æ˜ ŸæœŸè·³èˆžå’Œå”±æ­Œæ•™è®­ã€‚ 其中一少数Ziyiæ²¡æœ‰èŽ·å¾—ä¸€ä¸ªå¥–çš„è§’è‰²çš„ï¼Œæœ‰èŠ ‚奏的敲打的浣熊没得到尊敬,而是仅甜微笑〠‚
在2004年底,并且,虽然2005年, Ziyiåœ¨è‰ºå¦“è¿ä½œï¼Œå¥¹çš„ç¬¬ä¸€ä¸ªä¸»è¦å¥½èŽ±åžè§’è‰²çš „回忆录,她担任主角与肯・渡边,米歇尔Yeohå ’Œé”£æŽã€‚ 适应从畅销小说,电影讲被卖入京都艺妓房子 一个女孩的故事。 当回忆录作为影片不是重要成功时, Ziyi' sä¼ ç¥žè¡¨çŽ°èµ¢å–äº†å¥¹çš„è®¸å¤šæœ€ä½³çš„å¥³æ¼”å‘˜æåï¼ Œä»Žé‡‘黄地球, BAFTA和电影演员协会奖和其他。
2005年是Ziyi的一巨大的年在美国,她的外形cont inuosly整年上升了。 时代杂志在世界上命名了她一个100最显要的人 民,并且她在Newsweek, Harper'盖子出现; s义卖市场,纽约时报星期天杂志和许多其他〠‚ 发行2046å¯¼è‡´äº†ç§°èµžé›ªå´©åœ¨é‡è¦åœˆå­ä¹‹å†…çš„ï¼Œå¹ ¶ä¸”作为年结束Ziyi' s面孔由艺妓的回忆录的宣传活动使不朽。 同时,在日本Ziyi以为特色完全成功20本杂志并 且是一个照片展览的焦点在东京。
在2005年底Ziyiå¼€å§‹äº†åœ¨å®´ä¼šï¼Œå¤ä»‡é›†åˆåŽ†å²æˆæ ›²çš„工作在唐朝中国的,宽松地根据哈姆雷特㠀‚ 它是由Feng Xiaogang指挥的,并且应该在2006年的秋天发布。 Zhang Ziyi was born the 9th of February 1979, in Beijing, China. Her father worked as an economist and her mother was a kindergarden teacher. After some friends were expressed concerned she that was too frail, her parents encouraged her to take up dance and gymnastics to build up her strength.
So before Zhang Ziyi became an actress, she spent years training in traditional Chinese folk dance, first in elementary school at the Xuanwu District Children's Palace, and later at the prestigious Beijing Dance Academy. Ziyi eventually became a national champion by winning the Performance Prize at the 1994 Taoli Cup National Youth Dance Competition.

Even though a career in dance seemed promising for Ziyi, she became frustrated with the art by the time she was 15, and opted to persue acting instead.

She therefore enrolled in the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing, where she received her dramatic training. It was at this time that she made her first movie, Touching Starlight. Soon after, Ziyi got her big break. She auditioned for a shampoo commercial, directed by Zhang Yimou (one of China's most renowned directors). The director of many successful films, he used the commercial as a way to audition actresses for his upcoming film.

For her first major film, The Road Home, Zhang Yimou selected Ziyi from thousands of applicants to play Zhao Di, a young girl who falls in love with the new teacher who has come to her town in rural China. The Road Home won the Jury Grand Prix Silver Bear at the 2000 Berlin Film Festival. Zhang Ziyi won the prestigious Hundred Flowers award for her performance.

Ziyi was cast in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon after being recommended to director Ang Lee by Zhang Yimou. Lee had originally planned to cast Hong Kong starlet Shu Qi for the role, but after she decided the role would require too much training, she was replaced with Ziyi, who was used to intensive training schedules from her school years as a dancer. According to director Ang Lee, Ziyi had to study "Not only martial arts, but disposition, classic movement, calligraphy, etiquette, voice. Diving-she never dived before." All this training paid off in one of the most exciting performances in film history.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon became one of the biggest hits of 2000 (and the most popular foreign films in US history), and went on to earn a roaring $130 million at the box office and garner 4 Academy Awards, among the long list of awards it won. Ziyi's role garnered her awards from critics groups in Chicago, Hong Kong, and Toronto; two Golden Globe nominations, the MTV Movie Award for Best Fight Scene in 2001, and many other honors from around the world. She was also one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World.

As a result of Couching Tiger, Ziyi instantly became internationally famous and the hottest young actress in China's film industry. She was widely sought after for celebrity endorsements, of which she choose very carefully brands that would enhance her image, and managed to command the highest fees of any celebrity in China. She also received official recognition by being the youngest person named to the China Film Board, and by being named a Friendship Ambassador to Tibet by the Tibetan Development Fund.

In the summer 2001, Ziyi choose to enhance her international profile by play a villain in Jackie Chan's smash hit Rush Hour 2. This Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker cop comedy is actually the highest grossing film Ziyi has appeared in. She plays the role of Hu Li, an assassin whose weapon of choice is the biggest bomb she can carry. Highlights of her role include looking good, acting crazy, and kicking Chris Tucker's ass. She's great at all three, while Chan and Tucker add the laughs.

She was next seen in a Korean film entitled Musa, in which she portrayed a Ming princess taken hostage by Mongolian raiders. Korea's response to Gladiator, this was the biggest and most expensive film project in Korean history. Gritty and realistic violence dominates the style of Musa. After this she returned to work with Zhang Yimou to make Hero, another martial arts masterpiece.

Her first mature dramatic role was in Purple Butterfly. In 1930s Shanghai, a vulnerable young woman named Xin Xia (Cynthia) joins the resistance and is tasked with seducing her former Japanese lover, who now works for Japanese intelligence. The slow, dark, intense film was rejected by many critics because of its visual style and its dense, subtle plotting, which when understood creates a disturbingly compelling historical atmosphere. The acting was widely praised as the movie's greatest strength.

She next worked on 2046. A blend of classic romance and science fiction from Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai. In it, a writer with painful memories of love tries to escape from them both in life and in writing. A series of love stories alternating between this world and his fictional world of 2046 explore the depths of human passion and heartbreak. Zhang Ziyi plays Bai Ling, a woman who moves in next door and soon becomes his lover. Her most ravishing and mature role yet, a huge step past Purple Butterfly in her growth as an actress. Still her most highly praised performance, it won her many awards and lavish critical praise.

After working with the famous Wong Kar Wai, Ziyi choose to work with a promising young director, Huo Yong, in Jasmine Women. A story of love and loss in three generations of a single family in Shanghai. Zhang Ziyi plays mother, daughter, and granddaughter as the film moves from the 1930's to the 1950's to the 1970's. Ziyi was awarded China's most presitigious Best Actress award for her performance. Due to unusual conflicts between the producers, Jasmine Women still has not had a proper theatrical release in China, although it has been shown at several film festivals around the world.

She rejoined great director Zhang Yimou of Hero and The Road Home to take the next step in wuxia martial arts films, House of Flying Daggers. This was Zhang Ziyi's biggest action role since Crouching Tiger. It tells a much more emotional story than Hero, culminating in a spectacular if melodramatic ending. Ziyi again received exuberant critical recognition around the world, including a BAFTA nomination for Best Actress, one of the few times such a honor has been bestowed for an "action role."

In early 2004 Ziyi worked on her first Japanese film Princess Raccoon, directed by the grand old man of Japanese cinema, Seijun Suzuki. Ziyi plays a raccoon spirit princess in this musical love-story. Her character, Tanuki-hime, falls in love with a human prince who has been banished from his father's castle. For her role in the film, Zhang Ziyi took a two week dancing and singing lesson in Japan. One of the few for roles for which Ziyi did not win an award, as tap-dancing raccoons get no respect but only sweet smiles.

In late 2004 and though much of 2005, Ziyi worked on Memoirs of a Geisha, her first major Hollywood role, in which she starred with Ken Watanabe, Michelle Yeoh, and Gong Li. Adapted from the bestselling novel, the movie tells the story of a young girl who is sold into a Kyoto geisha house. While Memoirs as a film was not a critical success, Ziyi's expressive performance won her numerous Best Actress nominations, from the Golden Globes, BAFTA, and Screen Actors Guild Awards, and others.

2005 was a huge year for Ziyi in America, as her profile rose continuosly throughout the year. Time magazine named her one the 100 Most Influential people in the world, and she appeared on the covers of Newsweek, Harper's Bazaar, The New York Times Sunday Magazine, and many others. The release of 2046 led to an avalanche of praise within critical circles, and as the year ended Ziyi's face was immortalized by the publicity campaign for Memoirs of a Geisha. Meanwhile, in Japan Ziyi was featured in over 20 magazines and was the focus of a photo exhibit in Tokyo.

In late 2005 Ziyi began work on The Banquet, an historical drama of revenge set in Tang dynasty China, loosely based upon Hamlet. It is directed by Feng Xiaogang, and should be released in the fall of 2006.


在WOZ附近 - Around the WOZ

In the four months since the last update, there has been nothing really new to report. Other than, we have finally corrected, some image and profile errors we forgot to fix!! In the coming weeks, a new layout scheme will be unveiled, as well as a new WOZ.com download page with the current as well previous myspace templates that will be available to use. And before we forget, WOZ will be adding numerous photos in the coming weeks!!åœ¨å››ä¸ªæœˆä»Žæœ€åŽæ›´æ–°ï¼ŒçœŸæ­£åœ°æ–°çš„æ²¡ä»€ä¹ ˆæŠ¥å‘Šã€‚ 除之外,我们最后改正了,我们忘记改正!çš„ä¸ €äº›å›¾è±¡å’Œå¤–形错误! 在以后几星期,一份新的布局计划将被揭幕, 以及与将是可利用使用的潮流早先myspaceæ¨¡æ¿çš „æ–°çš„WOZ.com下载页。 并且,在我们忘记之前, WOZ在以后几星期增加许多照片!!
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??! - Enjoy!

??????… - More will be posted up...

Mei Lanfang
Mei Lanfang,?7?14???????? ????$15?????????????Kaige ("??; ????Concubine" ??" ???Assassin"?) ??????Mei Lanfang??????? ???2008???????,?????????????????????????,?world'??; s?????????
Mei Lanfang, began in Beijing on July 14. It is a $15 million project under famed Chinese director Chen Kaige ("Farewell My Concubine" and "The Emperor and the Assassin".) It will chronicle the life of the famous star of Peking opera Mei Lanfang. Expected to be released before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, some hope the film will provide a glimpse into traditional Chinese culture at a time when the world's attention will be focused on China.

??? - The Horsemen..
???????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????,????????, $20???????????????,?1??2007?3?? ??Ziyi " ????????????teegage??,??????????????????injustice."???;
"The Horsemen" tells the story of hardened detective who finds himself thrust into an investigation of perverse serial killings rooted in the Biblical prophecy of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Set in Detroit but filmed in Winnipeg, the $20 million production spent eight weeks in filming, from January to March, 2007. According to Ziyi "her character is a very complicated teegage girl, who forms a small gang with four boys to avenge those who have been victimized by injustice."
?? - The Banquet
??????2006? - Released Fall 2006
??????????????,?????????? ???????????????? ?Ziyi ???????,???????????,????????????????????? ??? ?????????????????????,??,??,?????? ???????a??? ????,???????????,???????????? ????????????, ???????
An historical drama of revenge set in Tang dynasty China, loosely based upon Hamlet. A new Emperor has usurped the throne through murder. Zhang Ziyi plays the widowed Empress, who marries the new Emperor to protect herself, but also secretly plots his death with the help of the Crown Prince and the Chief Minister. Yet the Prince and Minister each have their own plans for the throne, and, of course, so does the Emperor. All these intrigues are brought to a climax when the Emperor calls for a lavish banquet, where the murderous plans are set in motion. The Banquet explores a tragedy of fate through fighting, dancing, and storytelling.
?????? - Memoirs of a Geisha
??DVD- Now on DVD
?Ziyi??Sayuri?????,????????????????????? ??a???, Sayuri???? ?????,???????,???????????? Ziyi??????·?????????Yeoh ???Golden'?????adaptaion; s????? ?????????,???????????? ????????????
Zhang Ziyi plays the title role of Sayuri, a young girl who is taken from her village sold into a geisha house. Sayuri survives abuse at the hands of a jealous rival, masters the arts of the geisha, and finally wins the affection of the man she loves. Ziyi stars with Ken Watanabe, Gong Li, and Michelle Yeoh in the long awaited adaptaion of Arthur Golden's bestselling novel. Her first english language role, for which she recieved Best Actress nominations from the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild.
raccoon?? - Princess Raccoon
?Ziyi?????Seijun??????????????????? ????, Tanuki-hime,?? Amechiyo (?Odagiri),???father'???????; s??? ???????????????? ???? ?: " ???????????????Kabuki????????Noh…???????rock' n' ?! ?? ?????????????love."??????????????;
Zhang Ziyi plays a raccoon spirit princess in this musical love-story by Japanese director Seijun Suzuki. Her character, Tanuki-hime, falls in love with Amechiyo (Joe Odagiri), a prince who has been banished from his father's castle. The sets of the film will resemble those of a play on stage. Director Suzuki says: "Imagine blending elements of architecture, art and traditional performing arts like Kabuki and Noh... with opera, ballet, and rock'n'roll! Princess Raccoon tells a compelling story about the triumphant nature of self-determination, beauty, and love."
????? - Jasmine Women
???????????????????????? ???????family' ????s?? ?????,??????????????? ????1930',???Ziyi??????????; s ?1950' ?1970'?s; s.?2004????????????????Fesival???????Prix????? It' s?????? ??????,???????????2006?4??
A story of love and loss over three generations of life in a single family in Shanghai. Jasmine Women tells of the family's struggle to overcome its tragic history, as each daughter repeats the mistakes of her mother. Zhang Ziyi plays mother, daughter, and granddaughter as the film moves from the 1930's to the 1950's to the 1970's. Jasmine Women was first shown at the Shanghai Film Fesival in 2004 where it won the Jury Prix Prize. It's wide release in China has been repeatedly delayed, but should be forthcoming in April 2006.
?????? - House of Flying Daggers
???Ziyi' s?????????????,????? ??????????????????Yimou?? ?wuxia??????????? ????????????,???????,???????? ???? ??????????,???????????
This is Zhang Ziyi's biggest action role since Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. She rejoins great director Zhang Yimou of Hero and The Road Home to take the next step in wuxia martial arts films. A much more emotional story than Hero, culminating in a spectacular if melodramatic ending. The action sequences easily surpass those in Hero, and the cinematography is almost as beautiful.
????????????Wong Kar Wai?? ??????????????????????? ??? ???????????????????????2046????????????????? ? Ziyi??Bai?,??????????????????? ??????????????,?????????? ?????????????? ??????????????Ziyi, Faye Wong??????????
A blend of classic romance and science fiction from Wong Kar Wai. A writer with painful memories of love tries to escape from them both in life and in writing. A series of love stories alternating between this world and his fictional world of 2046 explore the depths of human passion and heartbreak. Zhang Ziyi plays Bai Ling, a woman who moves in next door to him and soon becomes his lover. Her most ravishing and mature role yet, a huge step past even Purple Butterfly in her growth as an actress. Gorgeous cinematography and music frame the powerful performances of actresses Zhang Ziyi, Faye Wong, and Gong Li.
???? - Purple Butterfly
??????????,????????,????? ?20??30?????,????????? ???????????????,?????????? ???,??,????????? ????????????,???????????,?????????????????? ? Ziyi' s???????????????????????
The tragedy of war takes many shapes, and few movies have ever looked at it as Purple Butterfly does. In 1930s Shanghai, a vulnerable young woman joins the resistance and is tasked with seducing her former Japanese lover, who now works for Japanese intelligence. This slow, dark, intense film was rejected by many critics because of its visual style and its dense, subtle plotting, which when understood creates a disturbingly compelling historical atmosphere. Zhang Ziyi's most underappreciated movie, and one of her greatest dramatic performances to date.
?? - Hero
????DVD - Available on DVD
?????,??????????China' ?it'????s????; s?????,?Yimou (????) ????? ????????King' ????s????????kingdom' s?????????? ?????? ???,?????Tan · Dun (?????),????Maggie Cheung,??Leung, Daoming???Ziyi,??????? ?????????????????????
A masterpiece on every level, Hero brings together China's biggest stars under the helm of it's best director, Zhang Yimou (The Road Home.) Jet Li stars as Nameless, and he comes to the King's palace with the story of how he defeated the kingdom's three most feared assassins. The most beautiful cinematography imaginable, evocative music by Tan Dun (Crouching Tiger), superb acting by Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, Daoming Chen, and Zhang Ziyi, excellently choreographed action sequences, and a sophisticated plot make this one the greatest movies ever.
??? - Musa
Korea' ????,??s????????????????????? ??????????? ???? ?1375????????????????,?????????? ????????????,???????????????????????????????????? Ziyi????Buyong?
Korea's response to Gladiator, this was the biggest and most expensive project in Korean film history. Gritty and realistic violence dominates the style of Musa. In 1375 a diplomatic envoy from Korea is sent to China, where they are banished into the Gobi desert. They must rescue a kidnapped Chinese princess from Mongolian raiders and march hundred of miles to their home, before the Mongol army can capture them. Ziyi plays the princess Bu-yong.
Zu?? - Legend of Zu
???Tsui???????????????? ????????????????????????? Ziyi??10???????????aren' ?????t?
A forgettable action fantasy from Hong Kong director Tsui Hark. It suffers from excessive use of special effects and a pointlessly complicated plot. Ziyi has only 10 minutes of screen time, and her talents aren't used well.
????2 - Rush Hour 2
????DVD - Available on DVD
?????????????Ziyi???Jackie Chan????Tucker???????? ???Hu??????? ????????????????? ????????????,?????????Tucker' s??? She' s??? ???,?Chan?Tucker????
This Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker cop comedy is actually the highest grossing film Ziyi has appeared in. She plays the role of Hu Li, an assassin whose weapon of choice is the biggest bomb she can carry. Highlights of her role include looking good, acting crazy, and kicking Chris Tucker's ass. She's great at all three, while Chan and Tucker add the laughs.
????????? - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
????DVD - Available on DVD
?Ziyi?????????????? Ang Lee' s??????????????????????
The blockbuster that turned Ziyi into an international star. Ang Lee's martial arts epic gave her the chance to show the world just how talented she is.
??? - The Road Home
???????????,?Ziyi???????????????,??????????? ???????????? ?· Yimou??????????????????????
For her first major film, Zhang Ziyi was selected from thousands of applicants to play Zhao Di, a young girl who falls in love with the new teacher who has come to her town in rural China. Director Zhang Yimou uses only the barest means to create a work of perfect poetic beauty.
????? - Touching Starlight
???Ziyi' s????,????????15? Ziyi??·?,????????????????????? ?????????? ????????,??????????????????????? ?????????? ???????????????????????????,??????ZiyiFilms.com??????? ?????
This is Zhang Ziyi's very first movie, made when she was only 15. Ziyi stars in the role of Chen Wei, a young dancer who is diagnosed with cancer and forced to have her leg amputated. Unable to continue her training, she starts a radio show where the disabled can share their feelings with one another. Based on a real life story. An English subtitled version of this movie was produced by forum member Mocha, and my host ZiyiFilms.com is the only place you will find it.

?????? - Cameo
???????2 - My Wife is A Gangster 2
Ziyi????30???????????????????? It' s?????????????2,????????????a ????????????
Ziyi had a short 30 second cameo in this popular Korean action comedy. It's not unlike her role in Rush Hour 2, but she with less screen time and a gaudier outfit.

?: ??????????
NOTE: All links will open up a new page
??Ziyi?myspace fanpage???myspace??? The first myspace off-shoot of the first Ziyi Zhang myspace fanpage.
????????fansites (?????)? One of the best fansites for her (for english speakers).
???" ??Ziyi" fansite? (The original "Hello Ziyi" fansite at): HelloZiyi.com
???????orignal???(??????)??? For those can read the website in its orignal language (non-english speakers).
????????? ?????Fansite?2000???? ??,?????? - Its claim to fame? The first Premier Fansite since 2000. Videos, Pictures, and More.
?????????Ziyi Fansite? ?????Fansite?2000???? ??,?????? - Highest Rated Zhang Ziyi Fansite on the Web. The first Premier Fansite since 2000. Videos, Pictures, and More.
??you' ???????????! ????? . (If you're feeling luck try Google Search! or click on this link

??: - Purpose:
Ziyi??????????????????" Ziyi Zhang" (" ?Ziyi")? ???(" Fansite") ?????? ?????????Ziyi??????????clairify??????????????
The World of Ziyi is not in any way affiliated with the Chinese-born Actress "Ziyi Zhang" ("Zhang Ziyi"). This profile ("Fansite") is and was created for the sole purpose of expanding the awareness of the actress Zhang Ziyi and to further educate or clairify information pertaining the actress listed above.
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World of Ziyi, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. World of Ziyi, Inc. further does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics,links or other items contained within these materials. World of Ziyi, Inc. shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result from the use of these materials. The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of World of Ziyi, Inc. in the future.
??, Ziyi??
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The World of Ziyi