banana slugs, wristwatches, dextromethorphan, buffalo nickels, diffuse nebulae, camembert, the Dzavhan region of Mongolia, corrugated plastic, Afghanistanimation, phonetics
Zhang Ziyi, Angela Aki, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Kamei Eri, my granduncle Baron Zanzibar Longfellow
Better Luck Tomorrow, Battle Royale, My Sassy Girl, Herb, 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant, A Moment to Remember, American Beauty, Shawshank Redemption, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, Amelie, Old Boy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Ping-Pong, Dogma, Sprited Away, Cube, The 5th Element, etc.
Heroes, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, ER, Chuck, Life, Pushing Daisies, Firefly
Battle Royale, Replay, The Princess Bride, Memoirs of a Geisha, Michael Crichton, Stephen King, Harry Potter, A.A. Antanasio, Douglas Adams
Spike Spiegel, the guy who invented self storage facilities