I'm a mean go-getter.
I spend most of my money on wine, women and gambling. The rest I waste.
I am the archetype of charm, the quintessence of grace, the epitome of style and blessed with a singular wit. Do not think me vain, for I am also the personification of humility and the essence of modesty. :P
I'm doing a bioinformatics degree at the U of S. I like reading, writing, movies, music, learning and laughing. I like meeting new people, and having fun with them.
[email protected]
Here's a bunch of random interesting stuff.
I met my maker, I made him cry,
And on my shoulder, he asked me why,
His people wont fly through the storm
I said listen up man, they dont even know you're born
There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat.
And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.
What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know, goes away, in the end.
When the farmer seeds his field with corn he knows that the weeds will grow also. They will grow faster than his crop, the roots digging deep, drawing the nutrients from the land. Therefore, if he is wise, he patrols his field, uprooting the weeds. Every human heart is like that farmer's field. Evil lurks there, and a wise man will search out the weeds of evil. Beware the man who says, 'My heart is pure', for evil is growing within him unchecked.
People say we no longer live in an age of miracles. It is not so. What has been lost is our ability to see them.
What tongueless ghost of sin crept through my curtains?
My favourite animal is the liger. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
God was singing through this little man to all the world, making my defeat more bitter with every passing bar. But then, do you know what happened? A miracle!
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts,
And I looked and behold: a pale horse.
And his name, that sat on him, was Death.
And Hell followed with him.