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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey there I’m Alex currently 19 years of age studying business at Loughborough University. If you’re wondering what that insatiable aroma is, well...that's the smell of desire my lady. Heh, Well if I know you and you know you and I know you know that I know you then add me its that simple.Real time update: I'm gonna be in South Africa working on a game/safari park from 27 to th 25th i will be shooting up lions and wrestling deadly snakes and all that stuff but message me and i will tell you all about it! Beleive it or not they do have internet access in the middle of the wilderness. I hear its so the hyenas can feed their online poker addictions. There is now a blog so check it out!!!

My Blog

S.A cont..

Hey again, Just been out on a three day walk through the reserve top to bottom. which is a dam long way. We had to camp out during the evenings trying to pick spots which were unlikely to be troubled ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:57:00 GMT

South Africa to be continued...

Hey guys, still alive if you were wondering. I have been doing some pretty sweet things while i have been here and got some awesome photos tht i will probably load on one day. But just an update for t...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:19:00 GMT

South Africa

Hey guys i am going to attempt to start a blog here just basically saying whats going on in South Africa, we have really bad internet access so cant promise too much! If you don't already know i am on...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 03:03:00 GMT