mySpace band page Customizing Tutorials by Eileen (Top Left Profile Info)
.... ... About me ... ....
You don't even want to know!
I love the Lord, MY FAMILY, My Friends
... My freedom....
so, don't disrespect any of them, and we'll be good
- 4real.
I was Born & Raised in Gainesville, FL -- but in the words of The Man in Black
Me and my family traveled around a lot when I was younger doing missions work, so I am very thankful to experience everything that I have - I've seen a lot in my life, and it's made me realize how truly blessed I am
- no doubt.
When you see me online, I'm probably discovering some new music or downloading a funny movie or two - stuff like that
... I'm always ready to hang out and chill when I get the time - kicking back a few and watching some UFC is my main thing...
Some people think I'm controversial because I speak my mind about what's going on in the world
I'm all about spreading the
I stand up for what I believe, and what I know to be right - and you should too.
We have to wake people up to what's really going on,
but you can't just tell them
-- you have to show them....
... ... The -
<--Click IT
(Revelations 13:16-18)
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man:
His number is ...
"......cause we won't get the
Mark of The Beast, no - not me!"
- Krayzie Bone
" ...I do it for The Love... "
I don't have any, but all my music is for free..... so just ask
...I don't take myself too serious,
especially when it comes to promoting myself...I just do the music thing for fun, when I'm bored....
as a creative outlet type of thing ... I'm mainly just a drummer who likes to make beats, and play around on the guitar, and that turned into writing my own stuff....
( so don't worry I won't spam your page like most people on here) ADD ME - ADD ME! funny Myspace Whores.... lol
The concert I did with Cloven Skies was for fun, and we raised money for charity -- I don't usually do stuff like that - but we had written some songs together, so we went with it ---
We have some more plans for the future -- but you'll mainly see me behind the scenes, helping promote other bands and bigger shows--- hopefully ;7