...did I mention music?
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion ||||||| 73%
Stability |||||||| 80%
Orderliness ||| 36%
Accommodation ||| 30%
Interdependence ||||||| 70%
Intellectual ||||| 56%
Mystical ||||| 56%
Artistic |||||| 63%
Religious ||||||||| 90%
Hedonism ||||| 50%
Materialism |||| 43%
Narcissism ||||| 50%
Adventurousness ||||||| 70%
Work ethic ||||||| 70%
Self absorbed ||||||| 70%
Conflict seeking ||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||| 63%
Romantic ||||||| 70%
Avoidant || 23%
Anti-authority |||||||| 83%
Wealth ||||||| 70%
Dependency ||||| 56%
Change averse ||| 36%
Cautiousness |||| 43%
Individuality ||||||| 70%
Sexuality ||| 36%
Peter pan complex ||||||| 76%
Physical security ||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness ||||||| 77%
Histrionic ||| 30%
Paranoia ||||| 50%
Vanity |||||| 63%
Hypersensitivity | 10%
Female cliche ||| 36%
I have a completely new perspective.
I decided life isnt worth hating people or stressing over stupid shit like I used to in the past.
I have problems with many different organizations and companies and I am in the process of getting them solved.
I know with the right people and help I can succeed at it and thrive like I was meant to be.
I've found some foundations and now I am looking for the remaing pillar(s) to help support the foundation.
Who nows, I may have already found it...
We'll find out and see.
You could be one of them.
The funny thing about life, you never really know in the end.
any NFL player
**a girl that I could treat as a princess**
cool and down to earth people
...and finally meet up with my loving friends and family who left this world to join a better one. I cant wait to join you.
ALL Dance/Electronica (but only some DnB)..
Tiesto, Paul Van Dyk, Infected Mushroom, Above & Beyond etc...
Fort Minor
Michael Jackson
Old school music
Old rap (this new shit kills me..)
Passion of the Christ (Ive only seen it once.. It is too intense.)
Half Nelson
Baby Boy
Top Gun
American History X
Fight Club
Theres plenty more.. If you really care then ask and you shall recieve.
I only watch 5 varities:
Sports games (many ESPN programs as well)
Music channels
Movie channels
Family Guy/South Park
History/Discovery channel
..I should finish the Bible one of these days. (Im slowly in the process)
Jesus, I desire to live like you everyday.. Im slowly getting there...
My Dad, never gives up on me, even when I fuck up majorly.
My Mom, put up with 21 years of my bullshit and still to this day wanted me home. (Which I am now)
Mom+Dad= Unconditional love