Archaeology, Geology, and meteorology. I am pretty easy to entertain.
These are the types of people I would not like to meet. Liars, fake people, ditzy girly girls, girls that say they need a boyfriend, any girl that needs a boyfriend for self justification is beyond lame, lazy people, drama queens, immature people, young kids that act like they know everything, people that over step their boundaries, all this blah blah blah emo bitching, if life is so bad then go kill yourself and get it over with, close minded people, passive people, anyone who surrounds themself with certain kinds of people to make themself look better, materialistic people, gossip, people with no standards, uneducated people, attention whores, manipulative people, and racists. If you are not a dumbass or you don't fall into one of the categories above feel free to contact me.
Too many to list and too many genres to get specific.
I have an odd taste in movies. I either like it or hate it. Horror movies are always good.
Antique Roadshow, Best Places to Find Cash and Treasures, anything having to do history, interior design, and anything that has to do with the general ongoings of earth and space.
The Heart Of Darkness, Healing Racism in America, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol. I will pretty much read anything that is non fiction.
Me, myself, and I