My Messengers::Feel Free To Add Me.
a.i.m. | Strapping Stooge m.s.n. | [email protected]
I am the cheif manager and owner of Todokills D3sign, Co. TDK on Myspace.
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Hmm.. Well to start.. some fag deleted my old profile, therefore I was forced to create a new one. I have a good idea of who did it, but fuck them.
I don't remember half of the shit I had on here, so I'm gonna kinda wing it..
I'm Ross, most people call me toDo (pronounced 'toe-doe').I'm a member of the deathpunk anti-emo band, the Eyeboogers and also in a metal band called Ross Hodo and the Back-Up Vocals. I'm seventeen and I live in the worst town in the south.. well, that's an exageration actually. There is some pretty cool shit that goes down here. I'm a music freak. Anything pretty much. As I Lay Dying, Danzig, Rob Zombie, Unearth, Damien Marley, etc. Look at the music section-shit-thing.. I go to Shithead Highschool (A.K.A. Newport Special School District). I am also a supporter of Bono's Product(RED) Fighting HIV AIDS in Africa.
If you, if you could return
Dont let it burn, dont let it fade
Im sure Im not being rude
But its just your attitude
Its tearing me apart
Its ruining everything
Music is all I've really ever been good at. I'm shitty at pretty much anything I try, so I figure, fuck it.. I'll stick to music.. I'm one of those guys who memorize words to songs that no one else cares about.. Like Weird Al Yankovich's "Smells Like Nirvana". Who memorizes that shit? Me! I'm fuckin' weird and I fuckin' like it. I used to be vocally-involved in a band called Philadelphia Fratricide (R.I.P.), but after a brief confrontation of ideas, I left.
Dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it to the tune of faggot, faggot, faggot
Oh - dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it with the...
I also say the word 'fuck' alot. I hope it doesn't offend you. Actually, you know what, I don't give a flying fuck muffin if it does offend you. I'll do everything legally I can to offend you. Don't like a band I listen to? I'll show up on your front porch wearing one of their t-shirts. I hope I piss you off. I don't care. You ain't gonna make my life any worse. You can try. It won't work though.
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming get me out!
Tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets
I'm not 'down' with scenes. I think it's all some bullshit for people to seem cool or whatever. Fuck that shit. Just be yourself. Fuck emo. Fuck goth. Fuck prep. Fuck jock. Fuck all of it. Just be who you are. I'm me. Now you be you. NOW! I DEMAND THIS OF YOU! If you don't like me or the people I hang out with then your stupid. Your what you 'claim' to hate. Everyone says they hate stereotypes, but if you don't like my friends because of how they act or how they look, then you are in fact a stereotype. So fuck you.
Her boyfriend's a dick
He brings a gun to school
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth
He lives on my block
He drives an Iroc
But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me...
My friends are some of the coolest motherfuckers you will ever meet. Their stupid, yes, but fucking awesome, all of them. Yes, you too DUNCAN. I love all of my friends because I know if any shit ever went down, they would all have my back. I know this for a fact. I love my girlfriend Cassidy with all of my heart and I know she wouldn't fuck me over... because if she did.. I know how to get rid of a body.... That was a joke.. don't go call the FBI thinking I'm a fucking serial killer or some shit. My reputation is shit as it is... Hmm.. Maybe if I did get arrested I would finally finish my book. Naaaah. I'll finish it sometime.. Fuck it.
Oh, please give me a little more
And I'll push away those baby blues
Cause one of these days this will die
So will me and so will you
I have always had a strange obsession with Pirates. I love the thought of being free. Not having to answer to anyone. A pirates life is carefree and expressed in life itself. Not a care in the world, just the open oceans, and a future of gold and jewels, the treasure we all hope for...
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
Well, that's me, Ross Allen Hodo... but they call me toDo. That's all you need to know about me. Don't ask me no questions. I won't tell you no lies...
"I never try anything. I just do it. Like I don't beat clocks, just people. Wanna try me?""A Kansas City Shuffle is where they look left... and you go right.."
"Go back to China, bitch!"
"I ain't got no titties, quit stretchin' my shirts out."
"We got my room all to myself."
"I am the fucked up Jellybean, you know, like Towelly."
"I'm drunk, I don't know what I'm talking about. No, wait. No I'm not. Um, Okay."
"Yeah, and I heard you have a faggot ass."