i'm Andrew
(before adding me just because you want more friends, get to know me)
-i am who i am, hate it or love it.
-i'm naturally loud.
-i love to dance.
-i don't walk, i strut.
-i have the best family known to man♥
-i have some pretty awesome friends.
-i'm a zebra according to rachie.
-i can get pretty ghetto sometimes.
-i'm not the kind who hates where they live, i just want more.
-i hate politics.
-i believe everyone should be allowed to love whoever they want.
-i hate any form of discrimination, hate, or cliques.
-i can't stand drama or stress.
-i'm learning to worry less.
-i take chances.
-i'm a very emotional person.
-i don't settle for mediocrity.