Sand is Joshua Orto. The band was created in 1994 as a fictional conception of Josh's dream life. Or, in other words, it was his invisible friend. However, in late 1997 Josh met up with Clint Garner and Christos Maricle who motivated him to actually pick up a guitar and learn how to play it. With the motivation from his friends, Josh began writing music only five short months after he began to play. Since that time, Josh has written between 150 and 200 songs none of which have ever been produced commercially.Joshua has only played once or twice under the pseudonym of Sand, but has created eight CDs for his family and friends under the name. Although he would love to be up on a stage as a signed artist, Josh's main priority is to become a history professor.Joshua will continue to write songs and make CD's because as he says, "Music is an expression of the mind of someone who isn't you and yet music has a way of connecting people together."I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!