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Favourites & Worsts
What is your fave band? LostAlone
What is your worst band? there are so many...
Who is your favourite singer? Steven Battelle
What is your favourite song? Unleash the sands of all time
What is your worst song? hung up? say it right? there are a lot of songs =)
Band/singer with the best style: LostAlone and Dúné
Band/singer with the worst style: James Blunt?
This or That
Pop or Rock: Rock!!!
Rap or R&B: i hate both
Metal or Indie: Indie
Green Day or Blink 182: Green Day
Madonna or Britney: do i really have to answer this question xD
My Chemical Romance or Panic! At the Disco: MCR of course!
50 Cent or Eminem: not my kinda music
Guitars or Drums: guitars
Bass or Electric: bass
Live or Studio: live!
What would you name your band? anything with "the" probably ^^
Would you play or sing? maybe both i can be a little selfish =)
If play, what would you play? guitar
Have you ever been to a concert? sure!
If yes, where was it and who was it? too many to name them here xD
Did you like it? i loved them all!!!
Whats your favourite radio station? fritz
What song is in your head at the moment? time to leave
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