I am forty something but i still feel like i did when i was 20. I work hard once i actually get there, same goes for studying, i do try to be on time but i rarely acheive it. I used to luv clubbing and i still do - but it takes up so much of my time now, gone are the days when i could go out all night a bit of sleep and get on with life, i go out all night now and i need to stay in bed all day
also most of my friends now just don't like clubbing in places that i like they prefer the over 30 clubs,but i still get to go out occasionally and i enjoy myself where ever i am and what ever i do so I really can't moanI would like to know why time speeds up the older you get, the days weeks and months just fly by. I love reading but the factual stuff is more unbeleivable than any of the the fiction i have ever read, it makes the faraway tree books that i loved as a child seem very boring, the more i read about evolution the more it fascinates me, what we are told just doesn't add up i did not evolve from a fish, the earth wasn't created in 7 days, there is so much we don't know and so much to learn
but regardless of where i go or what i do i love my music I started clubbing at 16 years old way way back in 1981, i used to love the warehouse in Leeds and 10pence a pint night at rooftop gardens in wakefield the music was not good but the 10 pence a pint was- I came to London in 1987 and soon got into Camden Palace, Avon Stables, Astoria, Biology, Telepathy, I never went Dungeons wish I had, I raved in some dodgy places, spent several nights driving around the M25 that was the time when they said raving was bad the goverment was trying to ban raves full stop. I think that was about 88 twenty years later all night clubbing is totally acceptable. As the nineties started it was onto Orange, Sunday Roast, Roller Express, AWOL, Jungle Fever, Stush, Raw on a sunday under the YMCA, Paradise and the club near homerton hospital where you went on the roof think it was Diamonds or Wax but could be very wrong, back to the manor, monday club, I absolutely loved EC1 and enjoyed Powerhouse RIP on many a night, bank holidays were often spent at the Aquarium. Sundays were spent at Twice as Nice SW1, and Propoganda gosh there were so many. can't beleive i missed off the warehouse actually i can believe i missed it off i don't think i remember many of the nights in the warehouse apart from i danced loads. I spent most of my time in central, North or East London with occasional jaunts to south and west London, I went to Milton Keynes once on a coach from the swan pub in clapton/stamford hill to a jungle fever-all i can say is that bus driver was a saint. These are the names of clubs and nights that come to my mind easily but there was so many places i will have missed off this list. My clubbing partners were Paula, Kathy and Annette and we were the Scandal Ladies on Kool FM a name that stuck for many years. We partyed with the atmosphere crew in the nineties The scandal ladies name started cos we would be in the swan and friends would say are you going out and it would mostly be no we are skint, and we would still be out the next morning -anyway the males said it was scandalous that as women we could get into places free and get drinks free, get lifts etc when they had to pay, hence the title scandal ladies i loved them days and all the people i met will always have a little place in my heart. Friendships last over the years, and it is a shame that so many friendships get lost as the years pass, Mem RIP i am so glad i got the wrong number and laughed and chatted with you.................. I love all music except techno and heavy metal - I really don't understand or appreciate neither of them but that could change.
Jungle found a little space in my heart that no other music will ever touch, the early jungle days were amazing, the raves absolutely fantastic and Kool fm wow, i still play my tapes from 1992 to 1994, kool still lives on the airwaves at 94.6 or 94.7 it must be 16 years old if not more. Now its Chilling 102.00fm, subjam 104.7, shine fm 87.9, touch fm 94.0 or true 100.2 that i listen to most but i do listen to eruption, 101.7, 160.0, 91.8
slipps has been my hero now 4 long time he plays on subjam 1 till 4 mon to thurs-he plays tunes that hit the bits that only jungle used to, oh and he plays jungle too (but not on subjam), his mp3 cds are a must have - (10 cds made littler into mp3 and burnt onto 1 cd) i got volume 1, 2 and 3-slipps is a little genius with remixes check out his my space if you haven't allready, he gives links to excellent free downloads mixes of his
- you can play all the good tunes you want but its the MCs that put that extra little bit specialness on top, my favourite DJs and MCs are on my front page, but i wish i could put more than 40 on-
i loved my jungle and garage but the words accompanying these tunes can at times lack any kind of depth unless you want to continually fall in love, leave relationships or get sexy or violent, and i have been listening to hip hop where the words are true and real..........................
i have been interested in politics (or politrics as i recently read) for many many years initially on a local and national level but the people i have met along this journey called life have increased my interest in more global issues. I know one of the important things in life is gaining and sharing knowledge -but i still aint got a clue what life is about i aint got a clue why i am here but i do know peace is important to me and it is something i value in my life- there is so much unrest and hurt in this world and conspiracies are rife- Endgame is a film that everyone needs to watch, it can be found on you tube, it deeply disturbed my soul but i am glad i watched it. Freedom to live as we choose and enjoy life is something we take for granted, how long will this continue? i am aware that we also take away our own freedom with insecurities that we choose to allow to take over day to day life - sounds pessamistic but i ain't I love meeting new people and discovering what makes them tick, new ways of thinking fascinate me - i find this helps me understand things more -every day new doors can open we just make the choice wether to go through that door or stay in the comfy zone of our present lives - -
I am from yorkshire originally and i still go home a lot to see my family -i have lived in London for 20 years now and i have experienced so much and met so many people since i moved here, i would like to leave this country and experience life elsewhere but that is just a dream at present i got to work to pay the mortgage but one day i will - i would love to travel for a few years to as many places as possible and meet as many people as possible . -
I do drive quite a lot and i love flicking through the stations or listening to my cds - my car is the one place i turn the volume up and happily sing along to every tune even if it means making my own words up cos i can't understand what the ones on the the song actually say
My dad always used to say when i retire i am going to do this and do that, he died Nov 2007 and he was just over retirement age, planning to live life in the future is ok but you got to live life every single day as well.................
i love listening to my music - it makes me smile - whether i am sad mad normal happy music is good for my soul............................
I WISH WE COULD HAVE A NATIONAL SMILE DAY-A smile can brighten someones day - a shared smile can leave a little memory of niceness in your heart forever
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