Albert Einstein (if he wasn't dead).
An Alien of some kind (if they exist)
Current Toys:
'08 Yamaha WR250X Supermoto
'06 Suzuki LTR450
'05 Honda CRF230F
'04 Honda CRF250X Supermoto
'02 Honda 400EX [440 wiseco w/ stage2 hotcam]
'01 Honda XR80
Past Toys:
03 Kawasaki 636 Stunter
01 Honda CBR929RR
01 Yamaha WR250F
00 Honda CBR929RR
97 Honda CR125
87 Honda XR200R
WR250X Supermoto Seat Stander Circles
CRF250X Supermoto Seat Stander Circles
2008 WR250X Supermoto Circles
Supermoto Circles, 2nd day on supermoto wheels
The New Fuel Injected LTR450
CRF230F seat stander circles, no handbrake
Circles around Dallas, no handbrake
CRF250X Seat Stander Wheelie Circles, No Handbrake
XR200 Seat Stander Wheelie Circles, No Handbrake
CRF250X 12bar Circle Wheelies
XR200 12bar Circle Wheelies
XR80 Seat Stander Circle Wheelies
CRF250X Circle Wheelie
Me doing a 1 mile wheelie on my WR250.
After multiple camera problems, we did get a good 90% of it recorded.
No Handed Highchair wheelie to scrapper, back to highchair wheelie...