Stefan profile picture


I seek to surround myself with beauty.

About Me

28,251 days… that’s the average lifespan of a human being.
1/3 of that you sleep away.
1/3 of that is already gone… if you look at your age.
And the final few years are spent as an elder.
That’s not a lot of time.
I have an intense love of life. I believe in experiencing every minute to the fullest. It’s full of adventure. And, life is boring, unless you actually go out and find that adventure.
I’m a seeker; a dreamer. I believe in a purpose of life. My purpose is two-fold:
To constantly evolve and to live a life of peak experience.
"I have an immense curiosity about the universe and the way it works. A hunger for life."
I am a lover of beauty. Beauty in all its forms; art in all its forms.
“I developed an innate resolution to escape from ordinariness, to never settle, and to always strive for something better.”

My Interests

Nightclubs, social networking, public speaking, soccer, cooking, reading, writing, dancing, improv, weight lifting, running, social gatherings, travelling, fashion, shopping, and meeting exciting new people.

I'd like to meet:

Looking to meet people in the nightlife scene.


Think and Grow Rich, Way of the Superior Man, War of Art, Vagabonding, Who Moved My Cheese?, How to Make Love Like a Pornstar (Jenna Jameson's biography), Motley Crue: The Dirt, Marilyn Manson: A Long Hard Road Out of Hell, The Descent Into Hell by Dante

My Blog


Ever wonder how there's people out there that have absolutely nothing, and yet they're extremely happy and positive? Or, how about those that are financially successful, that have everything you ...
Posted by Stefan on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 03:27:00 PST

Good Luck, Bad Luck

A hermit lived on the edge of a forest close to a small village.  The villagers all thought he was a fool, for he spoke in paradoxes.  His name was Jed.  One day Jed took in a stranger ...
Posted by Stefan on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:49:00 PST

The Wedding of Sir Guwain and Dame Ragnelle

In the tales of King Arthur... A mystical knight Gromer Somer Joure challenges King Arthur to discover what women desire most, or face dire consequences.  Arthur's nephew and knight, Sir Guwain s...
Posted by Stefan on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST

New Years Rant

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's now 2007.  I just re-read a journal entry that I wrote last year.  I like to reflect back just to see how much my life has change...
Posted by Stefan on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:24:00 PST