I guess I'll actually put something semi-relevant here... let's see, I like: songs that don't belong (or are played on) the radio, the Hog Stuffy from DamGoode, preparing for self-sufficient living, the Flying Saucer, facebook, the cold side of the pillow, Deep, the South, law school and not caring that I'm a big nerd, randomly seeing old friends in an airport, shading, Faithless, the Oxford comma, working out religiously, thawing out in the shower, having a mostly-functional relationship with God, and being humbled (at least occasionally.)
I am not even remotely close to being a perfect person, and there are a few things I can't stand: poor grammar (especially split infinitives, I know, I'm weird), petty passive-aggressiveness, sleeping with someone that wants to keep touching me while I'm trying to sleep and I CAN'T FREAKING SLEEP, looking and/or sounding stupid in front of another person, what MTV has become, waking up alone, doing stupid things when I'm drunk that I have to apologize for, inequity, ingratitude, Pine Bluff, the sensory overload of those fucking Abercrombie stores, and any temperature about 72 when I'm trying to sleep...