Get Pimped.."One-Love".."Kyra-Gene"..""Nuthin' But Love!!" I Give Everyone "ONE-BRIDGE" If They Choose To Burn It It's Thier Loss!! Cause I'm A Pimp!!!"I Love"God Above"," And I Choose" "Push Over Shove and And Pain Before "Love!!" "And I Say Don't Hate The Rainy Day's! Because If It Wasn't For Rainy Days, You Wouldn't Appreciate The Sunny Ones!! "Quit Hatin'!!!!" KIMO"Chera" @@"Slow Wind For Me"
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Pimped By PhatPimpClothing.comI found my rollover effect at pYzam.com , They're awesome!
I found my rollover effect at pYzam.com , They're awesome!
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