I am FREE.... I do what I want as I please. I don't believe in limits or odds because they can be overcome. I believe in success, not dreams because you dream when you sleep and I plan to sleep when I die. Until then I am pushing it PASS the limit. My mind, body and soul compliment one other, they make up who I am. I walk with my head high, long strides, and a colossal smile, because I am TRULY BLESSED. I am content with my style, satisfied with my disposition and proud of my pass. I don’t believe in regrets, regrets are sure signs of weakness and insecurity, and I am neither. I am strong, beautiful and intelligent; my star is shining, not nearly as bright and luminous, as it will because GOD knows the WORLD isn’t ready for what I have to offer. My time will come and I rejoice in my future until then I absorb all the knowledge and skills I possibly can. I am very giving and caring, I value friendship and I want nothing less then the best for myself family and friends. I breathe success and exhale failure; I am NOT a product of my environment, I am the result of living life, making choices and using my environment as example of what I don’t want!…. I love cartoons, and my baby FE-FE; I’m a really fun person…. Have a blessed day and thanks 4 stopping by!
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