kHaE-ciE profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

i'm kAren ChristinE my fRiendS call me k.C i'm 19 yRs. oLd, taking up BS Bi0l0gy in UPLB i'm a siMplE girL (c0ntrary to whAT s0me pEople think of me) i aLs0 beliEve in faiRy taLes and hApPy endings a h0peLesS r0mantic pRincesS wAitinG f0r hEr prince... (acTualLY i f0und him na....) mY kiNgd0m is c0loRed pink rEpreSenting my femininity... i spEak f0r mySeLf, though s0metimes i jUst g0 wiTh thE fl0w... mY hEart is weAk, buT i'm tRying my best t0 bE str0ng i love t0 love and i love to be l0ved i'm l0ve my life and i mAke tHe m0st out of it..