I'd like to meet:
Digital expressions of ancient wisdom.
Gallery2012 is the digital construct of the visionary
cyber artist and truth seeker
Ganee hex sign of the horns- a symbol of protection from evil spirits and negative energy.
“If you bring forth
what is within you,
what you bring forth
will save you.
If you do not bring forth
what is within you,
what you do not bring forth
will destroy you.â€
-Yeshua in the Gospel of Thomas
"Men of wisdom are those who think deeply about God and His characteristics, and His relationship with man. Without this kind of deep and serious thinking about this most fundamental problem of man, the world cannot survive."
-Father Moon
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."- Albert Einstein
Are you aware that a Shift in human consciousness is occurring even as you read these words that employs celestial triggers such as supernovas and Earth’s alignment with Galactic Center in the years leading up to 2012 to trigger the evolution of our species?
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26,000 year galactic cycles
Perhaps the most difficult concept to fathom is the precessional cycle of 26,000 years determined by the axis of the Earth inscribing a great circular arc in the heavens know as the 26,000 year precession. The final analysis of the Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 shows how the rising sun on December 21st, 2012 will align itself directly with the center of the galaxy. This wobbling of Earth's axis changes our orientation to galactic center and this opens the way for the beginning of a new world age, a re-birth into an entirely new participation in the greater whole. This 2012 solar galactic alignment offers all of humanity the opportunity to assimilate the complete understanding of returning to galactic center. It will augur the complete understanding of the ascent and decent of our higher minds and spiritual understanding.
This momentous end cycle moment will create a never before experienced spiritual and metaphysical phenomenon, a bridge to galactic center. This moment in our history will create a new re-birth as a result of the churning of the Milky Way ocean.
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I have always been interested in pushing back the fringes of knowledge. Mesoamerican studies is a relatively young field. The Mayan hieroglyphic writing has only recently been decoded enough that we can reconstruct detailed histories of specific Mayan kingdoms. In researching and writing seven books, I have focused on decoding the ancient Mayan calendar and its associated cosmology, and I have been drawn to address one unanswered question: Why does a large cycle of time in the Mayan Long Count calendar end in the year that we call AD 2012?
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Graphic description of Mayan calendar.
The History Channel- Decoding the past- Mayan calendar
Sightings program- A vision through time- prophesies of 2012
Informative music video
The unity of all life in the cosmos and the fact the Universe is teeming with intelligent beings on many worlds will be an undeniable reality by 2012. We will know the truth of the ancient mysteries and also experience the reality of being spirits in a material world.
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Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine,
it is stranger than we can imagine.
In Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice follows a mysterious white rabbit into a rabbit hole to enter 'Wonderland', an absurd and improbable world inhabited by many strange characters. This usage has helped make the phrase refer more generally to any portal into a different or strange world. -Wikipedia
"Oh dear, we must hurry to reach the Stargate portal in time."
THANK YOU for exploring
Gallery2012. May your earth ride be filled with love and truth. -