.. - Get Your Own
La musica en espanol y bien cantada porfavor, la verdad esque no hay peros en una definicion entre musica, e llegado a escuchar de todo!!!!
Ay muchas y me da gueva recoerdarlas, pero si me gustan
Ofcourse i watch t.v, What would my life be with out it!!! R u kidding me thats family your talking about.J/K, but 4 reals this is the truth in most homes. As for me i like it 2. It breaks the ice when theirs quite guests, sometimes ive used this techinique, belive it works, just make sure u have cable. OR ESLE don't attept it. And almost forgot Greys Anotomy, oh my, is the best, why? cuz thiers good looking men...
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Pues mi mamy is my hero,no questions asked. Dar a luz y mantenerme en su pansita por nuve meses, ME QUITO EL SOMBRERO!!! ... But of course God is also my life hero..