improving perfection
like-minded individuals: cynics, elitists, intllectuals (will settle for psuedo-intellectuals), and anti-egalitarians.
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My musical preferences are ambivalent. I listen to music that challenges the listener. Depth and complexity are two goals that all music should strive to achieve. At the opposite end of the musical spectrum i also listen to chaotic, seemingly random bursts of energy that many do not consider music. The following is an accurate, though not a complete representation of my musical preferences..........................- 13- 1349- 3rd and the mortal,the- aäkon këëtrëh- aarni- abazagorath- abhorrence- abigail- abigor- aborted- aborym- abruptum- absolutus- absu- absurd- abyssic hate- accept- acheron- acid bath- adagio- ad hominem- adramelch- aeon- aeternus- afflicted- agalloch- agathodaimon- agatus- aghast- aghora- agora- ahab- ajattara- akerbeltz- akercocke- akitsa- alarum- alcatrazz- alcest- alchemist- alkonost- altar- amaran's plight- amesoeurs- amon amarth- amporhis- anaal nathrakh- anacrusis- anata- anathema- ancient rites- ancient wisdom- ...and oceans- angantyr- angelcorpse- angel witch- angra- angra mainyu- anorexia nervosa- annihilator- antaeus- anti-anubis gate- anvil- aquaria- arafel- arallu- archgoat- arcturus- arckanum- ares kingdom- arghoslent- ark- arkhon infaustus- arkona- armagedda- arsis- arthemesia- artillery- ashen light- asphyx- asmegin- assassin- assuck- astrofaes- asunder- atheist- at the gates- at vance- augury- aura noir- aurora borealis- autopsy- avantasia- avernus- averse sefira- avichi- avulsed- avzhia- axenstar- ayreon- azaghal-bak de syv fjell- bal sagoth- baltak- baptism- barathrum- basilisk- bathory- beastcraft- beatiful sin- beatrik- beheaded- behemoth- beherit- behexen- behold... the arctopus- belenos- belial- belketre- belphegor- belzec- beneath the massacre- benighted- benighted leams- be persecuted- bestial warlust- bethlehem- beyond twilight- black altar- black dawn- black funeral- blacklodge- black murder- black witchery- black sabbath- blasphemy- blind guardian- blind illusion- blodsrit- bloodbath- blood red fog- blood red throne- blut aus nord- bolt thrower- bone awl- boris- borknagar- brocas helm- brodequin- broken hope- brutal truth- brutus- bulldozer- burzum- cacophony- cadaver- caina- calvarium- cancer- candlemass- cannibal corpse (mostly barnes era)- capharnaum- caravan- carcass- carnage- carnivore- carpathian forest- carpathian full moon- cathedral- celestia- celtic frost- cephalectomy- chasm,the- christ agony- circle of ouroborus- cirith ungol- circus maximus- clandestine blaze- cloudscape- cloven hoof- communic - concerto moon- confessor- control denied- coroner- corpus christii- corrupted- countess- covenant(nor)- craft- crematory- crowbar- crumbsuckers- cryptic slaughter- cryptopsy- crystalium- cult of daath- cult of luna- cyclone temple- cynic- daemonarch- dan swano- dark angel- darkestrah- dark fortress- dark lunacy- dark moor- darkness eternal- darkspace- dark suns- darkthrone- dark tribe- darkened nocturn slaughtercult- darvulia- dawn- daylight dies- dead soul tribe- death- death angel- deathspell omega- decapitated- decayed- deeds of flesh- deep purple- deinonychus- demigod- demilich- demons and wizards- destroyer666- destruction- defiled- demoncy- devilyn- devin townsed band- deviser- devourment- diabli- diabolical masquerade- diamond head- dio- dionysus- disarmonia mundi- disavowed- disembowelment- disgorge (mex and us)- disiplin- dismember- disillusion- dissection- dodheimsgard- dodsferd- dolorian- donkelheet- doomsword- dragonland- dragonlord- draugar- dream theater- d.r.i.- drowning the light- drudkh- dub buk- dungortheb- dusk- dying fetus- dysrhythmia- earth- edge of sanity- eikenskaden- einherjer- electric wizard- elend- eluveitie- elysian blaze- emperor- empylver- empyrium- enochian crescent- ensiferum- enslaved- enthroned- entombed- ephel duath- epheles- equilibrium- eschaton- esqarial- esoteric- estatic fear- eternity- eucharist- evergrey- evil- evil army- evil dead- evoken- exciter- exhumed- exmortem- exodus- extreme noise terror- exumer- eyehategod- eye,the- fairyland- falconer- falkenbach- fates warning- faust- firewind- fleurety- fluisterwoud- focus- folkearth- folkheim- forest- forest of fog- forest silence- forgotten tomb- forgotten woods- forlorn- fortid- freedom call- frightmare- frostmoon- frozen shadows- fullmoon- funeralmist- furze- gallhammer- galneryus- gamma ray- gehenna- ghoul- glorior belli- goatmoon- god dethroned- godkiller- godless north- gojira- gong- gordian knot- gorerotted- gorgasm- gorgoroth- gorguts- gorod- grand alchemist- grand belial's key- grand magus- grave- graven- graveland- graven- grim reaper- gris- hacksaw to the throat- hades(nor)- hagalaz' runedance- haggard- hail- hammer- hammer fall- hammers of misfortune- harmonium- hate eternal- hate forest- havohej- hawkwind- hate forest- heathen- heavenly- heed- helheim- hell hammer- hell militia- hell saw- helrunar- hirilorn- hollenthon- hellveto- horna- helloween- hibria- high on fire- horna- hortus animae- hypocrisy- hypothermia- ikuinen kaamos- ildjarn- illdisposed- imago mortis- immolation- immortal- impaled nazarene- imperial crystalline entombment- impetigo- in battle- incantation- inferi- in-quest- inquisition- in the woods- internal suffering- intestine baalism- invocator- iron maiden- iron savior- isengard- ishahn- i shalt become- isis- isvind- jag panzer- jesu- jorn- judas iscariot- judas priest- juggernaut- kadotus- kampfar- kalmah- karl sanders- kataklysm- katatonia- kataxu- katharsis- kawir- kayo dot- keep of kalessin- kekal- kenziner- khold- king diamond- koldbrann- kreator- krieg- kriegsmachine- krisiun- kroda- krohm- kult ov azazel- kvist- labyrinth- legend- legion,the- legion of doom- lengsel- leviathan- liers in wait- life is pain- lifelover- lik- limbonic art- liquid tension expirement- ljå- lord belial- lord wind- lost horizon- luca turilli- lucifugum- lugubrum- lumsk - lunar aurora- lurker of chalice- luror- lycanthropys spell- lykathea aflame- lyrinx- macabre- macabre omen- malevolent creation- make a change...kill yourself- malcuidant- maleficarum- malleus maleficarum- månegarm- manes- maniac butcher- manilla rode- manticora- marblebog- marduk- mare- martyr- master- masterplan- master's hammer- matricide- maudlin of the well- mayhem- meads of asphodel- megiddo- mekong delta- melechesh- melvins- mercyful fate- meshuggah- mercenary- merrimack- metal church- mirrorthrone- misery index- mithotyn- mithras- moonblood- moonsorrow- morbid angel- morgana lefay- morgul- mors principium est- mortifera- mournful congregation- mourning beloveth- mortician- musta surma- mustan kuun lapset-- mütiilation- myrkskog- mystic forest- mysticum- mystifier- nachtfalke- nachtmystium- naer mataron- nagelfar- naglfar- nargaroth- nastrond- nausea- napalm death- nasty savage- nasum- nazgul- nazxul- nebelhexë- necrophagia- necrophagist- necrophobic- necros christos- necrovore- negativa- neglected fields- negura bunget- nehëmah- ne obliviscaris- nergal- nest- neuraxis- neurosis- nevermore- newbreed- nidingr- nifelheim- niflheim- nihilist- nihil nocturne- nile- nocti vagus- nocternity- nocturnal depression- nocturnal rites- nocturnus- noenum- nokturnal mortum- nordlicht- north- norther- nortt- novembers doom- numen- nunslaughter- nyktalgia- obituary- occidens- ocean machine- october tide- odal- ofermond- old funeral- olympos mons- old wainds- ondskapt- onslaught- operation winter mist- opeth- ophthalamia- orange goblin- order of the ebon hand- origin- orphaned land- osculum infame- otyg- overkill- pagan altar- pagan reign- pagans mind- pain of salvation- pallas- pantheist- panzerhrist- paysage d'hiver- peccatum- pelican- pentagram (US)- persuader- pessimist- pest- pestilence- peste noire- planet x- portal- possessed- primal fear- primigenium- primordial- profanum- prototype- psychotic waltz- psycroptic- pyaemia- pyramaze- queensryche- quo vadis- racer x- ragnarok- rainbow- rapture (FIN)- regurgitate- remembrance- repulsion- reverend bizarre- reverend kriss hades- reverorum ib malacht- rhapsody- rivendell- riverside- root- rotting christ- r.u.g.- ruins of beverast,the- runemagick- rush- sabbat- sacramentum- sacred steel- sad- sadistik exekution- sadus- salem- samael- sanctuary- sarcofago- sargeist- satanic warmaster- saturnus- sauron- savage circus- savatage- saxon- scariot- sceptic- sear bliss- seigneur voland- sepultura(max era)- sentenced(old)- seraphim- setherial- severed savior- shaaman- shadow gallery- shape of despair- shining- siege- sigh- silencer- silent voices- sinergy- sinister- skinless- skyclad- skyfire- skyforger- slaughter (thrash band)- slaughter lord- sleep- sleep terror- slumber- s.o.b.- sodom- solefald- solstafir- sombre chemin- sombres forets- sonata arctica- sorhin- sort vokter- sovereign- spastic ink- spawn of possession- spektyr- spheric universe experience- spiral architect- spiral tower- syrinx- steel- sterbend- strapping young lad- storm- stormlord- stratovarius- strid- suidakra- suffocation- sunn0)))- summoning- sun caged- svarrogh- s.v.e.s.t.- swallow the sun- svartkraft- svartsyn- symbyosis- symphony x- szron- taake- tank- tankard- tartaros- temple of baal- theory in practice- temnozor- terrorizer- testament- the abyss- the amenta- the black- the elysian fields- the legion- the lord weird slough feg- the mist and the morning dew- thergothon- therion- the third and the mortal- this ending- thorns- thor's hammer- thorr's hammer- thou art lord- thought industry- threshold-throne of ahaz- thy primordial- throes of dawn- thy infernal- thy light- thy majetie- thyrane- thyrfing- thy serpent- tiamat(early to mid)- time machine- time requiem- todeskult- t.o.o.h.- torgeist- tormentor- toxik- transatlantic- trans siberian orchestra- transmetal- trist- triste- tristwood- trouble- tsjuder- tulus- turisas- tvangeste- twilight- tyr- uaral- ulfsdalir- ulver- ulysses siren- unanimated- unexpect- unholy- unleashed- unlord- urfaust- urgehal- uriah heep- uruk-hai- v8- v28- vader- vanden plas- vanishing point- varathron- vargsang- ved buens ende- vehemence- veil- velvet cacoon- venom- verivala- vesania- vinterland- vinterriket- vintersorg- virulence- vital remains- vitsaus- vlad tepes- voivod- vomit remnants- vordr- vorphalack- vried- vrolok- vulcano- walknut- waltari- watain- war- warloghe- warmen- watchtower- weakling- weltmacht- wigrid- windir- wind of the black mountains- winds- winter(US)- winter of apokalypse- wintersun- witchfinder general- whiplash- wolfsmond- wolven ancestory- wolves in the throne room- wongraven- woods of infinity- woods of ypres- woodtemple- wormed- wormphlegm- wurdulak- wuthering heights- wyrd- xasthur- xibalba- yattering- yyrkoon- zemial- zyklon- zyklon b-
movies became absolete the second I discovered tentacle rape hentai.
cartoons are a remanent of my younger self