in no particular order: yoga, reef flip flops, shopping, going to the beach, listening to music, singing to music, laughing, shoes, spending money, eating good food, swimming, spending time with the familia, doing fun things with my friends, traveling, trying new things, acting ridiculous, being overenthusiastic
Anyone with a sense of humor
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Let's see I like a little bit of everything, but I can't handle slow music, I just don't have the attention span. I have a sweet spot for classic rock Some of my favorites are Fleetwood Mac, Bruce Springstein, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Tom Petty. I like anything I can rock my face off to.
I like so much stuff, my favorites are comedies or action movies; I'm not that big on romantic comedies. Some of my favorites are; Anchorman and Napoleon were the two funniest of last summer, Jerry Maguire is a classic, I still love Can't Hardly Wait and Empire Records. And to name some others we've got, Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, The Sandlot, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Half-Baked and probably a million more.
There's too many good ones to narrow it down. Um, Anna Karenina, Pride and Prejudice, the DaVinci Codes, Secret Life of Bees, Dogs of Babel, Lovely Bones are just a few to recommend. And I am in love with Harry Potter.
My mama, what would I do without her?