Mike Mike profile picture

Mike Mike

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Mike Witkofski. I like to eat ice cream. I also enjoy a can of Diet Pepsi. I like to sleep and watch tv. I like to jam out until my eardrums explode. I am totally addicted to tetris. I can eat an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting. I have an addiction of playing freecell on my computer for countless amount of hours. What I want more than anything is a pacman or asteroids arcade machine so I can put it in my room. I am a pretty down to earth, laid back guy. I tend to have psycho binges and try to do everything in my power to lash out at the world and all of its lies and insecurities. What annoys me the most is people who talk in third person. I am not much of what you would call an "optimist". Cuz there really ain't much good left in the world so why bother. There are still some cool people that are great but are either heavily sedated or clinically insane. But most would agree in unison that I am just a waste of chemical matter. So do everything in your power to pretend to enjoy my profile of euphoria and bliss. If you are terrible at pretending it will leave me no choice but to bask in the warmth of your sunny disposition. I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!
I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!
M Mystical
I Intense
K Kinky
E Enchanting
W Wild
I Intense
T Tempting
K Kinky
O Old
F Furious
S Smooth
K Keen
I Intense
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ozzy Ozbourne and Chris Farley if he was alive cuz talking to a dead dude would be pretty boring. I would also like to meet Adolf Hitler ya know cuz that would be cool. You know who else I would like to meet? Tom Green. Some people think he is annoying but he is freakin' hilarious!!! Me and him would get along great I bet.

My Blog

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