- sip on this:
"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry & commerce...& when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
- James A. Garfield
assassinated President of the United States
"The Government should create, issue & circulate all the currency and credits needed to satify the spending power of the Government & the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. The privilege of creating & issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the governments greatest creative opportunity."
- Abraham Lincoln
assassinated President of the United States
--^^^Egyptian Zodiac^^^--
Perfectionist, prone to anger or irrationality. Aspects of Duality.
Dates: May 28 - Jun 18, Sep 28 - Oct 2
Your Egyptian Zodiac
Congratulations, Aviator!
Your IQ score is 136
Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. You possess the very rare skill of insightful intellect. It's these skills that contribute to your creative and expressive mind beyond the average.
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