hanging out with friends, movies, mall, pool, football(Steelers), goin down the shore, 6 Flags or anywhere that has rollar coasters lol, and others....
i like most kinds of music...punk, rock, only some rap n r&b, n w/e...LinKiN pArK*, FaLL oUt bOy,HaWtHoRnE HeiGhtS, aLL aMeRicAn RejEctS, EmiNem, sToRy oF tHe YeAr, RiddLin' KiDs, SkiNdrEd, My cHeMiCaL RoMaNce, E-ToWn CoNcReTe, sLiPkNot, TaKinG bAcK sUnDay, MatChbOoK RoMaNcE, 3 DaYs GrAcE,DaShbOaRd CoNfeSsiOnaLs, gReeN dAy, SiMpLe pLaN, NeW FoUnD gLoRy, OfFsPriNg, SubLiMe, YeLLoWcArD, GoOd cHaRoLetTe,PaPa RoAcH, sTaiNd, sUm41, DisTurBeD, bOwLiNg fOr sOuP, KoRn, BLinK182, MeTaLLiCA, AeRoSmiTh, GuNs n RoSes, AuDiOsLaVe....thats jus some of them
mostly everything, especially scary...