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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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My Interests

ballet ballet ballet, spending time with my friends, smoking, too much, going out for a drink, meeting new interesting people, travelling, making most of the present moment, cause past can be really disturbing and future scary, going to the opera, paintings, loads of kind of art really, writting, when people laugh, paris, london, i ll finish it later

I'd like to meet:

all the great people i had to leave behind at some point and that i miss a lot. guys, come back to london!


placebo, indochine, all this kind of stuff, and my french radio europe2!


requiem for a dream, les virtuoses, les choristes, anastasia, mary poppins, the others, ..........


i m affraid i ve led a tv-free life for the past four years...


anything and everything, im lost without a book on me...


is coffee, vitamine C, magnesium and cigarettes a valid answer?

My Blog

quotes from anyone who ever said anything which made sense to me...or complete nonsense!

*"because, like anyone dedicated to a performance, he was his own first audience, the one person above all others whom he had to convince..." *the past isn't past until it's lived. not lived through, ...
Posted by cécile on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:05:00 PST

ich caniche merde!!

just in case a smile is needed: -ich caniche merde,    of course!!! -farting shoe's become a classic, -danilo's plate!! -the tendency opera singers have to sing with sausages ( dan-sain...
Posted by cécile on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 05:15:00 PST


haha!! we already have guests in the house!! where is this going!! lol!!! already have a twelve hours working day, so going to bed now, as tomorrow, same again!! loads of love evryone!!  ...
Posted by cécile on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:21:00 PST

How to end up on a giant German bike touring in Leipzig with a landlord by -4°C...!

  Hi everyone! just to give some news... this city should be renamed and be called something like "north pole city", it's bl**dy freezing, and i actually can't wait for my parents to come ...
Posted by cécile on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:43:00 PST

that's it

That's it, I guess. I'm leaving tomorrow for Leipzig, Germany.  I just feel so weird. My mood is a mixed of so many things right now... I'm so excited to start that new experience, I know I'...
Posted by cécile on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:44:00 PST