ballet ballet ballet, spending time with my friends, smoking, too much, going out for a drink, meeting new interesting people, travelling, making most of the present moment, cause past can be really disturbing and future scary, going to the opera, paintings, loads of kind of art really, writting, when people laugh, paris, london, i ll finish it later
all the great people i had to leave behind at some point and that i miss a lot. guys, come back to london!
placebo, indochine, all this kind of stuff, and my french radio europe2!
requiem for a dream, les virtuoses, les choristes, anastasia, mary poppins, the others, ..........
i m affraid i ve led a tv-free life for the past four years...
anything and everything, im lost without a book on me...
is coffee, vitamine C, magnesium and cigarettes a valid answer?