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the roots side of the beast that in mOngrel. Born in essex, blosomed in brIstol. Realised in 2003 that all i wanna do is play reggae music in all its foRms. i doN't play out enough, which is whY we had to nuture mongrel. after our monthly ouTings at the Croft with loads of briStol talent, we turned our hAnds to a bigger event, and Hosted a night at Lakota in jUne. SinCe thEn, wE haVe rEgulaRly heLd nIghTs at tHe tuBe anD The BluE mOunTain Club.The core of Mongrel is Reggae(myself), RaggajUngle (svengali), and the Bass and the dRums (Porkchop)....."