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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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Come Shop With Me
New Poem
"You Called Me Today"
You called me today, Unexpected to hear your voice. The butterflies flicked within me, as I took a deep breath, exhaling your beauty. You’ve stayed on my mental, as I secretly called you my wife. You are simply, UNDENIABLE. Wanting to hold you, touch you, kiss you, give you the world, I’ve never known. You told me, I was running through your mind, well you walked through mine, as I watched your hips sway, slowly, you are so damn Sexy. My dreams of you, aren’t dreams at all, a premonition of what is to come. Baby, you are the best I ever had, I admit to you, yet we’ve haven’t had the chance to be with one another on that type of level. I may have it as bad as you, and I do, Understand the weight of what you are telling me, but do you understand my expressions for you? My life has always seen cloudy days, the grey mixed with the black, knowing my storm was brewing, it’s about to pour down, like it never has before, I always tell myself. But you’ve cleared those cloudy days, making the sun shine so bright, I see you for who you are, an Angel, brought to make me smile, brought to make me love again. So to ensure you, Baby, I am on your team, I have always been on your team, even when you didn’t know it. Let’s UPGRADE one another, giving a life that was unexpected, but appreciated. Here’s my confession to you,
I want you,
I need you,
Will you finally be mine, be as one.
"I awoke this morning"
I awoke this morning, with a strange eeriness, something was missing, misplaced, yet the mystery bewildered me. I opened the window shades, to let the morning rays, introduce a new day to me, but the sight was unbearable to watch. Getting ready for a day, which was a day unknown to me, seemed to seduce my nature. Feeling thrilled, yet joyful, knowing that today, all my dreams will come true.
My first few steps on this Earth, seemed to have frightened me, as I looked all around, and not a soul to be found. Ignoring the obvious, I thought, maybe the morning is too early for some. As I continued to walk down the path, I know.
Hours later, miles too long to walk, I found myself alone, exploring a world, where none exist. Not once did I see a familiar face, not once did I see an existing face. I was alone, there was no doubting the obvious. A panicking feeling entered my being, as I screamed, but only my echoes answered back.
Reality finally set in, I am alone in this world, seeing images of what once was, which no longer exist. I cry, as I never have before, my head falls, my emotions shattered, feeling my heart carved from within, the sharpness of a blade, piercing my soul, I am a broken man.
I once fantasized of happiness, she was so Sexy and Beautiful, and when I held her, my heart dropped. Her big brown eyes, pierced my soul, as she gazed at me, with an unknown feeling. I never knew what she wanted or what she needed, but all I wanted to do, was make her smile. She lived a hard life, at a young age, experiencing loneliness, hurt and despair. She wanted a man to take hold of her, yet she knew, no man would ever hold her as she wanted. Experience taught her pain, she never knew of a warm embrace. I wanted to teach her, show her, hold her, love her, but she’s so cold at times. She doesn’t allow happiness to enter her soul, Poor Child, pain is the only thing she knows.
Yes, I fantasized of happiness, but it was a fantasy that never came true. I am alone, as I once was, to face a world, which doesn’t exist. Faceless memories, of people who felt so close to me, who’ve I caressed, kissed, touched, loved. My dreams are entwined with my reality, I don’t know what was real to me anymore, I don’t know what was true.
Punishment filled the room, I once considered my haven. I sat back, and pondered, the direction my life has headed, misery lied on the road ahead of me. I’ve sacrificed my life, once again, in the name of blind lust. Lead to a place, which I now recognized, as the bowels of my personal hell.
I prayed each night, pleaded to my Lord, “Why was this plague, set upon me? Most of my life, I’ve experienced deluded happiness, and only found that misery was my companion. Why me Lord, Why me?” My tears began to fall, my emotions shattered, yet unbroken. My lord replied, “Son, I knew of your Trials and tribulations, I knew of the misery that lingered upon your being, And I knew, Vigorously, you’d walk down the path I laid before you, while you grew ultimately weary. Fear not, My Son. Your journey beyond this path, lies divine blessings. Continue on your path, Let my Strength overwhelm you, and be the guiding light you seek.”
I breathe, as I never have before. Shedding this repugnant shell of an existence I live, realizing my true self, my true direction. I silently thought to myself, “There’s a reason why I’ve traveled thousands of miles, away from the civilization I once cherished. There’s a reason, for my being, in a place, unknown to me. There just has to be.”
Moments later, sheer beauty walked into my life. I was stunned by her beauty, her presence, immensely overwhelmed me. I stood at a stare, for obvious moments. I was intrigued, wishing I’ve acquainted myself with such beauty. Foolishly, my unmotivated attempts went unnoticed. She was “Ak-ana,” the primordial Goddess of Altaic, and I, “Kara-ham,” we were destined to be.
Daily, I admired her beauty, while fighting this great urge of silence, which was mounted upon my God-fearing Soul. The foreign language of love, was apparent upon my tongue, yet doubts filled the air. I didn’t want her to perceive me as a deranged individual. Yet deliriously, I fantasized her, tightly wrapped in my arms. Considerable amounts of unconscious sacrifices I would have taken, for a mere, precious moment, to embrace such beauty in my arms.
Finally, the time has arrived, time to welcome the civilization I once knew, back into my life. I’ve abandoned my personal hell, to welcome paradise, once again. Contemplating, “To see such beauty, before my departure, would be a divine gift, much appreciated.” Delightfully, I went to the place, where beauty first struck me, unfortunately, beauty vanished from my life, as quickly as she entered. Disappointment lingered upon my heart, as a single tear descended down this shameful face. My heart had collapsed with confusion, as I took a final gaze back, and whispered, “Good-bye ‘Ak-ana,’ it saddens my heart to leave in such a way, but we’ll meet again, we’ll meet again. Good-bye.”
I parted, having regretful feelings, I should have impressed you, with the foreign language I speak. I should have exhibited my intentions towards you. Foolishly, I allowed you to vanish from my life, without a trace. “Ak-ana,” you vanished from my existence, unknowingly the love I can give.
"The Peep Show"
True Story
Peter was always messing around on the internet, sending chain letters, and talking to new people every day. Until one day, he started chatting with this woman that intrigued him, her named was Linda.
Now Linda was an attractive and seductive, young woman, who lived in a different state from Peter. For about two months, they wrote to one another, constantly. Exchanging pictures, fantasies, and basic information about one another. As time went by, they started to feel more attracted to one another, growing strong feelings, they thought couldn’t happen.
Then one day, Peter couldn’t take it any more, he wanted to meet the woman, whom he has been chatting with, as he felt, was forever. So, Peter wrote an e-mail to Linda, telling her, how much he cares for her, and how much he wanted to physically meet her. He explained to her, that he was getting tired of writing to her, and not being able to touch her soft skin, and kiss her, like he wanted. Linda’s feelings were mutual, so they agreed to meet. She was to come to his state, and pick him up from work.
Peter warned her, before they met, "Sweety, I am a very open person, so if I decide on kissing you, when I see you, don’t be too surprised, ok?" And she replied, "Don’t be surprised if I kiss you first." The challenge has been laid out, both of them were so excited, that they couldn’t even contain themselves.
This was going to be their first date, and everything seemed, too good to be true. Peter started his day as normal, went to work, and did his job. He called her about 6 in the evening, just to make sure, she was still coming. And she assured him, she will be there at 11pm sharp. So Peter continued to talk to her for a while, to somewhat ease his mind about meeting someone new. Peter was the shy, but very-open-minded type, though he talked about making the first move on her, in reality, he has never made the first move with any woman, he’s encountered. Before they finished talking, Peter gave her the address to his job, and directions on how to get there. His last words to her, before they actually met face to face, was “I think I am falling in love with you Baby. I know it’s too soon to tell you those words, and we haven’t even met each other yet, but you are the first person I think of, when I wake up in the morning. I think of you all day long. And you are the last person, that’s on my mind, before I go to sleep every night. For some time now, you have been my everything, and I want you in my life. I wanted to tell you this before we met, so you know where I stand with my feelings towards you. I hope this doesn’t complicate things.” Linda seeming a little shocked by his words, replied, “Baby, I feel the same way, I have been trying to work up the courage to tell you, but I just didn’t know how you would take it. I am falling for you too Baby.” Peter smiled endlessly, what he felt for her, was returned, a love unmatched. So they hung up with one another, and Peter’s day went as normal.
After a while, Peter started getting nervous. As each hour passed, his patients were wearing down on him. It was about 9:30pm, and being as nervous as he was, he called her, to cancel their plans, because he just didn’t know, if he was really ready to meet her. Her phone rang non-stop, there was no answer, and that’s when he lost it. He paced around his workplace, in a frantic state, he didn’t know what to do next. So he decided to turn off all the light in the building, hoping when she comes, she’ll think, he stood her up.
He went throughout the building, doing his random checks, and realized, the front door was still open. So he immediately went to the lobby, and as he approached the front door, to lock it, a woman knocked on the glass. It was Linda, and Peter didn’t know what to do. He stared at her for a couple of seconds, before letting her in. He opened the door, and she attacked him with kisses. And being as open as he was, he went along with the flow.
Finally, after a couple of minutes, they actually said hello, with words. He expressed to her, his surprise, because she had arrived an hour early. She said, "We’ve been talking all this time on the internet, I couldn’t wait to see you, touch you, and kiss you." He blushed, and said to her, "Baby, I have to be honest with you, I tried calling you about a half hour ago, to cancel our plans, I was so nervous to meet you. But now that you are here, I am glad I didn’t catch you."
Peter escorted Linda to his office, where they will be more comfortable talking. But to Peter’s surprise, they did more kissing than talking. Finally, he stopped her, and told her, "Sweety, I have to stop kissing you, don’t get me wrong, I could kiss you all night, I love kissing you, but when I start kissing someone, I get so turned on, the temperature starts to rise, as well as other things." She giggled, as if she didn’t believe him, so she reaches down, and passed her hand over his dick, and realized it was hard. She said, "Damn, kissing really does turn you on, huh?" And all Peter could do, is shamelessly smile.
She purposely started to kiss him deeper and more passionate, and he started to breathe uncontrollably, as if he couldn’t take it any more. He warned her to stop, because he wouldn’t be able to contain himself for too much longer. He thought to himself, "Since I am at work, I can’t really act up, like the way I want too, so I guess I can control myself, for a while." Or at least that’s what he thought, before things started to happen.
About 11:35pm, Peter’s partner came in, to relieve him of his duties, So Peter decided to show Linda the building, since it was somewhat of a Historical Place. Peter wanted to show off a little, and try to impress Linda, so he gathered his things, and walked towards the elevators. While waiting, they exchanged seductive stares, as if inviting each other for a passionate moment.
The elevator finally came, and Peter took her hand, and lead the way, Things started to happen from there, she couldn’t keep her hands off of him. They rode the elevator for 15 minutes, while all that time, they were kissing and feeling on one another. She unzipped his jumpsuit, and grabbed his dick and massaged it gently, in a circular motion, and that lead him to lift her skirt, and rubbed her vagina, softly. By the time, they finished kissing and turning one another on, they slowly got out of the elevator, holding each other's hand. Which then he noticed, where they were, in the basement level of the building, his favorite place to be.
Peter decided to show her the auditorium first. By then, they were both hot and bothered, and just by the gleam in their eyes, they immediately knew what they wanted to do.
He took her into the back stage area; and all that was there, was a Piano and a stool. He asked her, "Would you like to have a couple of drinks?" And she replied, "Yes." So he grabbed the bottle of Vodka out of his bag, and pour the both of them a couple of drinks. Being as playful as he can, he started to play the theme song to the Pink Panther, on the Piano, when he noticed, she started to get a little hot. (And it wasn’t because of the song) So he stopped playing with the piano, and started to play with her.
He initiated the kiss this time, and things started to get real hot at that moment. Again, she unzipped his jumpsuit, exposing his upper and part of his lower body. She started feeling on his chest, slowly moving her hand down. Then she put her hands inside his jumpsuit, and she started massaging his dick. He figured, he would make it a little easier for her, so he dropped his jumpsuit off his body, so she can have actual access to everything. He stood in front of her naked..
When he did that, She immediately went down on him. Slowly sliding her tongue down the shaft of his dick, and back up, to engulf his whole dick in he mouth. She was sucking him, as he hesitantly shouted, "OH SHHHH." She knew she had him, where she wanted him. She started to lick the head of his dick, as her hand stroked up and down his shaft. He was really getting into it now, so he reached over, and impatiently tugs on her skirt, and slowly undressed her. First taking off her saturated thongs, as his hands caressed her Hot, Wet, Pussy. He then took off her skirt, then unbuttoned he shirt. She was as naked as he was, and for a minute, he paused, just to look at her beautiful sculptured body.
He started playing with her vagina, rubbing her wetness with two fingers. he placed his fingers in his mouth, to taste her sweetness, and that drove him crazy. Then he took those same fingers, and penetrated her, slowly. Her body flexed, as if she wasn’t prepared for it. He massaged her vagina walls, reaching for her G-Spot, and when he slightly touched it, she moaned for more. He could tell, she started getting into it, because she sucked him harder, almost making him cum.
Sweat was dripping from both of their foreheads, He was getting too aroused, he wanted to taste her badly. So he stopped her, and bent her over, in a doggy style position, over the piano, lifting her left legs on the piano keys, and started to lick her uncontrollable. As he was licking her, he slowly penetrated her, in both her pussy and ass, at same time. She held onto the piano, as much as she could, screaming with passion, She screamed, "Peter," in a passionate tone, as he pleased her non-stop. He could tell, she loved every minute of it, but she couldn’t take it for much too long, She started to scream, "Baby, I am about to cummmm." And just when she was about to explode, she moved away fast, as if something was wrong, and pushed him down onto the piano stool.
She sat on his 8 1/2 inch dick, but not yet penetrating herself. She took his dick, and started rubbing it against her pussy lips, and she can tell, it was feeling so good to him. She asked him, "Do you want me to put it in." He said, "YESSSSSSSSSS Baby, YESSSSSSSSSS," with no hesitations. She put his dick inside of her, and she started moving up and down, Slowly. She tightened her vaginal muscles, and teased his dick, by moving back and forth. After a couple of minutes, things began to heat up more, So every time she came down on him, he thrusted up in her. And each time he did that, she moaned with delight.
Twenty minutes later, he couldn’t take it any more, Barely using words, he told her, "Baby, I am about to cummmmmm." So she stopped riding him, jumped off in a hurry, and immediately put her mouth on his dick. She jerked him off, wanting him to cum in her mouth. He screamed, "Baby, I am cummmmming." And she didn’t hesitate to swallowed all his juices.
He laid there in amazement, because this was the first time, anyone has ever done that to him. She slowly climbed up to his chest, to give him a kiss, and she was surprised, because he didn’t move away, he kissed her right back. He whispered, "Baby, I’m not done yet, I want you to cum, I want more of you." So he grabbed her, and laid her on the stool, and impatiently, he put his penis back inside of her, and started stroking, Hard and Fast. He wanted her to cum, as hard as he did. He wanted her to cum all over him.
Fifteen minutes into it, her moans were getting, louder and louder, he knew, she was almost there. So he really started stroking Harder and Faster, The slaps of their skin, echoed in the room, he stroked her harder, as if he were getting revenge for something that once went wrong. He wanted to feel her cum, all over his dick. She screamed, "Baby, I am cummmmmmming." And he stroked her as hard as he can, until he felt her body tremble. He felt her warmth, surrounding the shaft of his dick, and slowly came out of her. Then he slowly, moved his head between her legs, licking her clit, as her body jumps on impulse.
So there they were, making love on top of a piano. After they were finished, they had the biggest laugh, because of where they were at. See, that was the first time, for both of them, that they have ever made love, on top of a piano, and just the experience of it, was enjoyable.
So they got dressed, and left his job, with the biggest smile on their faces. They got outside, and he asked her, "It’s a little late, where would you want to go?" She replied, "Baby, as long as I am with you, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just take a walk and talk." He had no problems with that, so he grabbed her hand, and lead the way.
They walk to a park, not far from his job, and they sat there for a while, just talking about, what they wanted from one another. But soon, it started getting cold, so they decided to find a place, in doors, to warm up.
They walked a couple of blocks, and found a bar, where there were strippers performing topless. She wanted to go inside, and have a couple of drinks. With a surprised look, he lead the way. It looks like a decent place, not to rowdy, it was somewhat private, no one questioned who came in and why. So they decided to stay there for a while, to drink a little, get warm, and enjoy the show. See, she didn’t mind being there, because she was BI-sexual, so she enjoyed the show, just as much as he did.
They had a couple drinks, and everything was cool. For some strange reason, he hesitated looking at the women, who were dancing topless, and kept his focus on Linda. She noticed he wanted to look, but didn’t out of respect, so she bluntly said, “Baby, don’t that girl have some nice breast?” He giggled, and shamelessly agreed, from there, he felt more comfortable talking to Linda, and looking at other women.
Then Linda hit the ground, as she tried to get out her seat, and Peter that’s when realized, she was a little too drunk. So he picked her up, and decided she needed to get some air, maybe she’ll sober up a little. They walked around for about 45 minutes, and she started to somewhat, come back to her senses. She knew what has happened, and felt a little embarrassed, but Peter, being the person that we was, downplayed it, he said, “Baby, that could have happened to anyone.” Then he started telling her the times when he was drunk, and he met the ground a few times. His stories eased her shame a little, and she started to feel better about herself.
They stopped in front of a Peep Show Entertainment Center, and she decided she wanted to go in, and see the women dance. He told her, "I am not going in there with you, you’re a little too drunk right now, and you’re not thinking straight." But she looked at him, as if he was crazy, and decided to go in anyway, and dragged him along.
They went inside, and she asked the man at the front desk, "Where are the women?" All he could do is laugh, as he pointed up stairs. So they go up stairs, and she buys $20 worth of tokens, and picks a booth, and they go inside.
As she starts to put the tokens in, the window goes up slowly. The woman behind the glass, asked them, "What would you want me to do?" So Linda answers, "Just watch...." Peter looked at her, like she was crazy. Then she starts to kiss him uncontrollably.
Everything from there immediately got hot, he unzipped his jumpsuit and dropped it in an instant, and she immediately went down on him. She engulfed his dick, sucking fast and hard. He held onto the glass, as he tried to keep his moans, at a low tone. But he couldn't keep it low for too long. The woman behind the glass, couldn’t believe what she was seeing, but I guess she couldn’t help herself, and said, "How does it feel Papi?"
He just looked at her with pleasure in my eyes, and kept quiet. Linda stopped, came up to him, and kissed him, passionately. Peter couldn’t help himself. he was so turned on, so he bent down to one knee, aggressively took off her thongs, and lifted Linda’s legs to his shoulders, as he ate her controllable. He was loving every minute of it. It didn’t take long, she couldn’t take it any more, So she told him, "Just put it in, Papi. Please..." And so he did, without any arguments.
He placed her hands on the wall, arched her back, and gave it to her in a doggy style position. With every stroke, he gave Linda, the woman behind the glass was telling him, "Give it to her Papi, Show her what a real Puerto Rican man is made of..." And with every word, the woman behind the glass was saying, it was turning him on, more and more. He started to stroke her harder and harder, and she started screaming louder and louder.
Thirty minutes into it, She screamed, "Papi, I am cummmmming." And he stroked her harder, as he started to feel her cum, dripping off of his balls. He knew, that was the hardest, she had ever came.
But he didn’t stop there, he wanted to cum too. So he started to stroke harder and faster, and she was screaming, Louder and Louder. She started to bang on the glass, feeling herself about to cum again. The woman behind the glass was so turned on, she started playing with herself, cause he heard her moans getting louder too.
Ten minutes later, He came so hard, his screams were heard throughout the store. But he started to feel so much like a freak at that moment, it seems like, he couldn’t get enough. So after he finished cumming, he put his penis back into her, and again, He was stroking fast and hard.
About five minutes later, he happened to look at his watch, and noticed the time. She had a 4 o’clock bus to catch, and it was 3:47am. So he stopped, and told her, "Baby, you are going to miss your bus." And she whispered, "Damn baby, I wanted more, but I can’t miss this bus, I have to go."
Lucky for them, her bus was just across the street, from where they were. So they got dressed, and rushed out of the store, as unbelievable stares, penetrates through them. He escorted her to the bus, and luck must have been on their side, because they made it just in time.
He kissed her good-bye, and told her, "Call me when you get home, so I know you got there safe, Ok?" And she replied, "Yes Baby, I will.... And this will definitely be a night to remember. It’s on the top of my list, as my best sexual experiences. We have to do this again." He blushed, as he kissed her good-bye.
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This profile was edited with Editor
Single, Available, And Willing... 31 year old man, Looking to share something special, with someone special. If that's you, definitely hit me up.... I have a lot of love to give, and no one to give it to, I am passionate, respectful, understanding, REAL, down to Earth, warm-hearted, as long as you don't cross paths with me. I don't have any kids, would love at least one, I am intelligent, I know what I want, and I know how to get it. I hope I am not sounding desparate, because I am not, I am just straight foward on the things I want, and the things I am looking for. I am getting too old for games, and definitely too old to waste my time with people, I know there isn't a future with. I am not looking for something, just for the moment, plain and simple. Being that I am new to the area, I am basically looking for friends, and if anything gets deeper from there, then so let it be. As you can see, I am too old for games, so if you are about games, and you can't keep it real with yourself, then pass me by. So what's good?
I am originally from NY, Spanish Harlem. Currently living on the East End of Richmond. I write Poetry, and Erotic Stories, if you are interested, check out the rest of my page, I update it every once in a while... I am Currently working for Bassett Furniture, Driving their trucks throughout VA, NC, DC, West VA, and MD, so my time is Somewhat limited, but I don't mind sacraficing a little time, spending it with someone special... I am just about living and having fun, if you can't get down with that, click out...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Someone, unlike my EX(s), someone normal, someone that has never been to a psychologist, and doesn't need one. Someone Understanding, down to Earth, Selfless, intelligent, secure with who she is, and appreciates the man I am, someone definitely for me. I don't expect nothing more, or nothing less, so if you fit the description, and I caught your eye in any kind of way, don't hesitate to hit me up, let's chat and get to know one another, you never know what can happen. If you would like to contact me directly, hit me at [email protected]>

New Poem

""Love Won't Let Me"

I hear a strange voice from a distance, it's whispering, "Let go, Let go," But I can't, Love won't let me.

We have been secretly seeing one another for months, but where do we stand? I want you in my life, forever and always, but your love is given to another, Unconditionally. Don't get me wrong, I respect the love you have for another, but I can't help the way I feel for you. What am I to do?

I hear a strange voice from a distance, it's whispering, "Let go, Let go," But I can't, Love won't let me.

In this little time we have known each other, you have been the one for me to look forward too. Because whenever I was at my lowest, you were always there to lift my spirits. Whenever I felt that one teardrop from my eye, you were there, to whip that one tear away. Whenever I felt stressed or depressed, you were there to ease my mind. No matter what, you have been by my side, But why you?

I hear a strange voice from a distance, it's whispering, "Let go, Let go," But I can't, Love won't let me.

Sweety, when it comes to you, confusion gets the best of me, I just don't know what to do any more. I have tried to cut you out of my life, but I couldn't, my heart won't let me. Sweety, I do Love You, beyond our friendship, you have brought nothing but light into my life, Otherwise, my life would have been dark without you. However, why do I have to love you, the way I do, knowing deep inside, I can't have you?

I hear a strange voice from a distance, it's whispering, "Let go, Let go," But I can't, Love won't let me.

Sweety, in these past few months, I have given you endless pleasure, both Physically and Mentally, and now I want to offer you my love, Endlessly. If you would except my love, then take my hand, and accompany me on this journey of completeness, where you become mine, and I become yours.

I hear a strange voice from a distance, it's whispering, "Let go, Let go," But I can't, Love won't let me.

Sweety, We are, one of the same, wearing this mask of happiness, knowing deep inside, our emptiness grows, Uncontrollably. I must confess to you, since the day we have met, my eyes have never lead away from you. You were the only one, I have never wore my mask for. With you, I did not need it, you are my happiness.

I hear a strange voice from a distance, it's whispering, "Let go, Let go," But I can't, Love won't let me.

So, confess to my, My love. What are your true desires? What's in your heart? Moreover, no matter what, "Justice won't let go," Cause love won't let me.


The sweet essence of rosemary, surrounds my presence. My inner being is finally at a calm, finally this path I take, seems to make sense.

There was a time in my life, when I couldn't feel my heart beat. My past of pain, endangered my emotional being, I never thought I would ever be at peace again.

But then we met, and all burdens were lifted from my heart. And as strange as this may sound, because of you, passion and happiness runs through my veins. My heart beats again, thanks to you. I am reborn, because of you.

And when you came to me, I was lost, confused to what the world has to offer me. But now I see, where my heart leads me, to you my love, I know I will always be happy.

The sweet essence of rosemary, surrounds my presence. My inner being is finally at a calm, finally this path I take, seems to make sense.

I haven't let anyone get close for years, and being alone, for so long, I was giving up all hope. I thought my life was destined to be Alone, Miserable, and In constant pain. But that moment, when I held your hand and kissed your lips, I knew from there, we were meant to be.

Sweety, Because of you, I have this presence of happiness inside of me. And somehow, this happiness is like my blanket of security. I feel safer knowing, I have you in my life, and at times, I think about making you my wife.

Sweety, even though we have known one another for a short amount of time, I feel deeply for you. My images of tomorrow are filled with your beauty. And in all honesty, I can't wait for the future to come, just so I can hear two words, "I Do." I would never be the same.

Now I could finally say, "I Am Happy." It may have taken time for me to feel this way, but I'm glad it's with you.

The sweet essence of rosemary, surrounds my presence. My inner being is finally at a calm, finally this path I take, seems to make sense.

Sweety, my dreams, are not of wealth beyond understanding, it's something a lot deeper than that, something true and everlasting. I want you in my life, forever and always, for us to be a family, for us to be as one.

And I know at times, you ask yourself,

" Am I making the right decision?"

Well ask yourself this;

Am I the man, to lift your spirits, when you are feeling down?

Am I the man, to make you smile and laugh, to make you happy, and forget about the misery in your past?

Am I the man, to encourage you, to be the best, in anything you do?

Am I the man, That can walk down the path of light with you?

What are your expectations of us?

And what are your dreams?

The sweet essence of rosemary, surrounds my presence. My inner being is finally at a calm, finally this path I take, seems to make sense.

Sweety, I read this oath, as a promise to you;

I, Justice, Swear in the face of God, promise to love, honor, cherish, and obey you. For richer and for poorer, for sickness and in health, until death do us part. I promise you intimacy. I promise you trust. I promise you a sense of humor, even when times get tough. I promise you happiness. I promise you understanding. I promise you daily exchanges, to remind you everyday, of the love I have for you. I promise you, no boundaries, or limits to my love, I will give you my all, no matter what shall fall. I will never neglect you. I will never leave you astray. I will never be dishonest, no matter how much the truth may leave you in disarray.

And I promise, to make a truthful decision, before each day begins, to remain faithful to you. To remain truthful to you. And to remain in love with you, forever and always.

The sweet essence of rosemary, surrounds my presence.........

“The Time I've Wasted, The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?”

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?

Sweety, I remember when we first met, I just knew, you were the one. Not a soul in this world, could have ever taken your place. I was proud to call you, "My wife to be."

The time I've wasted.......

How about those endless talk about the future? We would talk about, marriage, kids, being lovers forever, do you remember? Every single moment we had, working on our dreams, trying to make them come true. Talks about, you and I in the future, was so strong hearted.

The time I've wasted......

Do you remember, how we would take those long, endless walks. Not caring about the world, you were my life, and I was yours?

The time I've wasted.......

How about those sleepless nights, I've never told you about. Thinking of you, the one I adored. Just holding you in my arms, endlessly, caressing your soul, and never wanting to let go. I just wanted to show you, the man I could be. Showing you all the things, that only appear to be fantasies. How much I've dreamt about you, is unimaginable.

The time I've wasted..........

How about those days, I felt alone, depressed and unwanted, you made me feel, as if I was on top of the world. There were things we would do for one another, nothing holding us back. Confessing our undying love, Do you remember?

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?

But now, time has passed, things have changed, and feelings has been hurt. You have made me live, without a care in the world. Heartless to those, who have done nothing to me. Do you not see my hatred? You have me unsatisfied with life, thinking nothing good is ever going to come to me. You have brought, nothing but pain and misery, to my life. You once told me, you Loved me, but how could you, your love is shown in a way of misery. Is that the way you show your undying love for me? If so, all you'll get in return, is my undying hatred. I don't know whether to understand, that the hurt I feel, is your full blown love, or is it, you have yet to learn how to love. All I know, My heart, it's feeling like, it's about to burst, is that true love? You're the reason that, loneliness, is the only love I know.

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?

I know at times, you ask yourself, "Why does he feel this way, towards me?" It's because of you can't you see that? You once told me, "I see your hatred." But how could you, it lies in you. It's because of you, I feel this way, and only you, will feel the flames of my hatred. You lied, cheated, and mentally abused me, and then you got the nerve to ask me, Why do I treat you this way? The answer lies in you. You posses, this hated I have. You created this hatred. Don't you understand? Can't you realize? I have done nothing, but gave you unmeasured love. And what do I get in return, Long days of hurt and pain.

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?

I want to thank you, Sweety, I've never felt better. You taught me a lesson, I've never learned. It's all good, See, I've learned who's best for me, The comfort of self, I could never do myself, the way you did me.

The comfort of self, could cause no pain.

The comfort of self, could play no games.

The comfort of self, could tell no lies.

The comfort of self, could never die.

The comfort of self, is what I crave.

The comfort of self, straight to my grave.

The time I've wasted.......

My perfect soul mate, The one I have been looking for, all my life, has been staring at me, with thine eyes. Though I never realized, that my perfect soul mate, is and forever will be, Myself. The comfort of self.

The time I've wasted........

I could never abuse myself. I could never hurt, lie to, cheat on, or turn my back on, myself. The comfort of self.

No one could ever love me, the way I love myself. I bring all the joy into my life, with the help of no one. I bring sun to my cloudy days. I make the next day, something to look forward too.

Who do I need?

Why do I need them?

As long as I have, the comfort of self, I need no one. The comfort of self.

The time I've wasted.........

Who do I breathe for? Self......

Who would I die for? Self......

Who makes all my dreams, become a reality? Self......

The comfort of self.

The time I've wasted.........

Sweety, do you understand, where I am coming from? The comfort of self, is what I am looking for. My perfect soul mate, is an image of me. Are you an image of me? If not, it's not going to work, so don't waste my time.

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?

See Sweety, you have put me down to my lowest, I could never forgive you for that. But I just want to let you know, Someone picked me up, she help me onto my feet. She made me see the light.

Now that I look back, my life exploded in your hands, just filled with hurt. All the feelings and hatred I have inside of me, towards you, I have only one thing to tell you, "Fuck You, Bitch, and Go To Hell."

The time I've wasted......

See Sweety, understand, I will fall in love again, and she will give me, Unconditional and Unmeasured love, the type of love, I have been looking for, all my life.

I just want to wish you, "A Fucked Up Life," and I hope everything you did to me, is returned to you, ten times as powerful.

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?

I want you to remember this, if anything. Loves tainted arrow, piercing hearts, showing the untamed love, of those, who's hearts are empty, but filled with hatred. Do you not see, that love is the purest form of life. For without love, then death will become you, For you will feel, the fires of hell surrounding you. Learn to love, and maybe you'll feel the skies of heaven shining down on you.

The Time I've Wasted, And The Hurt I've Felt, Why Me?


My eyes wander in confusion, delusions of caressing you. But you say, you have a certain vibe, you feel about me, a vibe that the feeling is unexplainable.

Trust isn't an option any more, when you think of me, it'll never be given. You have painted a picture of me, and thought that's the way I was, the worse person in the world. Yet, I have never hurt you, or scarred your heart, for you to think that way of me.

I have planted that flower of friendship, I have watered it, nurtured it, loved it, and watched it grow. I gave this flower sunlight, when it was needed, and conversation, when it was lonely. But this flower slowly dies, making my heart seem like it was out of place. I cried out, "Please don't die, my intentions towards you, have been nothing but the best." But as you whither away and die, your final words to me were, "Your intentions were selfish, you thought only of yourself." And as I cry that final tear, I whisper, "All I ever wanted, was for us to grow together, for us to smile together."

Your delusions of me, were never of me, why couldn't you see that, and trust me?

“Affairs Of The Heart”

Affairs of the heart. What do you feel, when thoughts of me appear?

Last night, I dreamt of holding you close, feeling your heartbeat next to mine. As we stared eye to eye, My emotions started to run wild. My hands traced your loving body, ever so gently. Feeling your every curve, your every tremble, the moisture, that ran down the middle of your chest, and the deep breaths, you would take. I felt you, Baby, and wanted to make love to you. But it was just a dream.

Affairs of the heart. What do you feel, when thoughts of me appear?

Baby, I am curious warmth, your touch, your lips, your kiss. Temptation fills my mind, every time we flirt. But are there motives, behind the way we smile? I want you in ways, I, Myself, Can't understand. I don't know how long I can hold back this feeling of bliss, it's escaping.

Affairs of the heart. What do you feel, when thoughts of me appear?

My conscious screams to me, "What you feel isn't right!" For I am in Love with someone else, and so are you. My thoughts should be pure, my heart should be faithful, yet, impurely, I think of you constantly. Why now, does my confused heart, split for two?

Affairs of the heart. What do you feel, when thoughts of me appear?

This constant battle, between wrong and right, between love and lust, I know what I feel for you, isn't right, but yet it is. I am not wrong, to think of you sweetly, But I am wrong, to hold you dearly. What do you feel? Do you feel the same way too?

Affairs of the heart. What do you feel, when thoughts of me appear?

When I think of you, I feel safe, as if pain never existed. your presence, surrounds me with happiness. I've tried to walk away, from what I feel, and be faithful, but I can't, there's something about you, I am drawn too. Could we just have one night, of impure bliss? One night, of unfaithfulness?

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Come Shop With Me

Come to my Ebay, and Shop with me....Justice Ebay Store
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